Dear Praying Friends: A week of contrast: One of our young preachers was married Saturday. It was a very sweet service attended by many. I had the joy of doing the vows. Last night, we held a special evening service for a church family whose 81...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Dear Praying Friends: Thanks for praying. We so appreciate your prayers. Soulwinning: One week ago, Liz and I visited two adult men while soulwinning. Their wives come to church, and over the years I had spoken to them several times, but they...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Dear Praying Friends: The Bibles are ready for shipping: Finally 386 boxes of Sranantongo Bibles and 19 boxes of Sranantongo New Testament Commentaries are ready to “hit the road,” along with a PA amplifier and speakers for the Sunny...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Dear Praying Friends: Brother Jesse Garza’s visit: It has been a great blessing to have our field director of Baptist World Mission, Jesse Garza, visit us for two weeks in Suriname. He plunged into the interior directly after arriving in...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Dear Praying Friends: Three wedding services on the same day for the same couple? Unbelievable but true. First of all, in Suriname, there is no government recognition of a church ceremony per se. The normal procedure is for the couple to appear...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Dear Praying Friends: Thanks for praying. We enjoyed my 74th birthday yesterday. Unfortunately part of the day was spent going to the airport to pick up some medication, but we were able to stop at Andoe Kampoe coming back to encourage Zr. Mauke.
Dear Praying Friends: We do thank you for your prayers on our behalf. Following up: Both Liz and I have been trying to follow up on a number of people we have witnessed to over the years, but have either made no profession or have not come to...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Dear Praying Friends: Thanks for your prayers. Today is the second time that I preached at the new Sunny Point church. We attend a pre-service prayer meeting at the main church, then the first 30 minutes of the service there, and then drive to...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Dear Praying Friends: A blessed New Year. Thanks for all your prayers last year! Money up in smoke: Fireworks are a big deal in Suriname. By the middle of December, you see signs on many stores: “Vuurwerk” (fireworks), or...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Dear Praying Friends: A Merry Christmas and Blessed New Year. We thank the Lord for His allowing us to serve Him here in Suriname these 25 plus years, and thank you for your prayer support over the years as well. We are reminded again of...[ abbreviated | read entire ]