Dear Praying Friends: Thanks for praying. We so appreciate your prayers.
Soulwinning: One week ago, Liz and I visited two adult men while soulwinning. Their wives come to church, and over the years I had spoken to them several times, but they were not ready to make a decision. Both prayed to receive the Lord. I went to follow them up this week since neither had come to church; one was sick, and the other had gone to the interior. I did see three teenage children of one man make professions. Please join me in prayer for their spiritual growth. I was pleased to meet a third man who I led to the Lord a few months ago who is now faithful at Efraimzegen church.
Ongoing radio and TV ministry: We are now about 3 months from departure. We are finishing arranging automatic payments for three radio stations and the TV station so that the programs will continue after we arrive in the USA. I have prepared over 15 months of programming for each station, and we will be delivering the CDs and DVDs this week.
Bible Institutes: We are thrilled to see Winston Zeeman continue the regular Bible Institute on a weekly basis, and three ladies administer the Advanced Bible Institute by correspondence.
Teaching Ministry: I have had a burden for years for three groups: (1) the unreached, especially located in the 10/40 window. (2) the untaught, who do not have the Bible translated in their mother tongue, and (3) the persecuted for Christ. Often all three groups comprise the same individuals. I am in the process of writing material for publication in these areas and others to share with potential missionaries in order to challenge them. I would appreciate your prayers as I learn new methods of teaching and outreach. We hope to have a website dedicated to this task very soon.
Bibles: The Bibles and New Testament Commentaries are under way, and should arrive next month in Suriname.
Prayer requests:
- Our health and strength for the work
- Our spiritual growth
- Safety driving
- Souls saved and growing in the Lord
- Preaching opportunities to help our people grow
- Preparation for relocation
- Repair work at Efraimzegen church building.
In Him and Content:
Bob & Liz Patton
Missionaries to Suriname since 1986