The Bibles are ready for shipping: Finally 386 boxes of Sranantongo Bibles and 19 boxes of Sranantongo New Testament Commentaries are ready to “hit the road,” along with a PA amplifier and speakers for the Sunny Point Church. We will be very pleased when they arrive, as we are now down to just 27 Bibles. Please pray for them to arrive safely and for a safe transfer to Moengo. At this point, we are so close to returning to the USA, it does not make sense to store them in Paramaribo for a few weeks, and then reload them to go to Moengo. We will hope to move the Bibles, etc to a truck to Moengo, but leave a few boxes of the Bibles and Sranantongo New Testaments along with the PA system here in the city for immediate use.
Taxi soulwinning: Sometimes when Liz and I go soulwinning together, I have a meeting afterwards, and she returns home by taxi. She always carries tracts and New Testaments with her to give to the driver. About a week ago, I drove by two taxi stands before stopping at a third. Although Liz had used the other two, she did not want to use them that day. A man named John took her home, and proved a heart prepared. After witnessing in the 10 minute ride, when they stopped at our house, he wanted to know how to be saved and prayed to receive the Lord. We pray that he will eventually show up at church.
Being faithful: Sometimes it is difficult to be motivated to go soulwinning, but we need to be faithful and depend on the Lord whether or not we “feel” like going that day. The same day that Liz led the taxi-man to the Lord, I really had to motivate myself, but we were blessed with four young people who prayed to receive the Lord, and one identified himself to me the next day in church.
Special prayer requests: We have had a longstanding problem between two members of the leadership which we hope to address successfully this Thursday night after a number of unsuccessful attempts in the past. We would appreciate your prayers.
Good news about our house: Our housing situation has changed, as the wife of a divorced couple is getting the house and wants to purchase some of the items in the house, including the lights and alarm system. We are praying that she may want a few more items as well. The majority of the furnishings will go to Moengo.
Prayer requests:
Our spiritual growth
Health and strength
Safety driving
Solution to the leadership situation
Soulwinning, especially by nationals
Independence of the churches
The situation with our house here in Suriname
In Him and Content: Bob & Liz Patton Missionaries to Suriname since 1986