by Scott Price Arminian, Non-Lordship Salvation view: Their remedy is to merely "get it done" by walking through the procedure of the so-called "sinner's prayer". BUT what has taken place in the mind of these BEFORE they walk down the aisle? What...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
by Scott Price Mat 7:21 "Not everyone who says to Me, Lord! Lord! shall enter the kingdom of Heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in Heaven." BUT what about these 2 verses? 1Co 12:3 "Therefore I make known to you that no one speaking by...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
by Scott Price The subject of Biblical Sanctification is a very controversial for various reasons. As with any subject there must be definitions, distinctions and clarifications so we do not talk passed each other. The following is from a brief...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
It is the OBJECT of faith that justifies, NOT faith ITSELF. The proper Object of faith is Christ and Him crucified. The Object of faith is what one glories in and has assurance in. Faith does not look to itself. That would merely be another...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
by Scott Price 1Co 8:1 "But concerning the sacrifices to idols, we know that we all have knowledge. Knowledge puffs up, but love edifies. 1Co 8:2 And if any man thinks that he knows anything, he knows nothing yet as he ought to know." The...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
The conscience that is uncleansed can be a very powerfully, deceitful thing. All the mind can do in that state is produce dead works and fruit unto death by churning up the most self-righteous, zealous, sincere deeds to recommend one's self to...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
By Scott Price God is not confused. He does EVERYTHING on purpose for HIS own glory. He is absolutely sovereign in, both, election and reprobation. God does not have “back-up plans” or a “plan B”. He is all-wise and get's...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
By Scott Price God is not confused. He does EVERYTHING on purpose for HIS own glory. He is absolutely sovereign in, both, election and reprobation. God does not have “back-up plans” or a “plan B”. He is all-wise and gets it...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
By Scott Price It is God alone that changes minds. This is what the good gifts of faith and repentance are all about, causing us to submit to Christ’s righteousness and reject our own in every form. We must give the unbelieving world the...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Scott Price In the following text I have heard some Calvinist, sovereign grace, Reformed preachers over the past 30 years promote ignorance and mysticism as if it was humility by only quoting and dealing with v9 and not go on to explain the rest...[ abbreviated | read entire ]