In the following text I have heard some Calvinist, sovereign grace, Reformed preachers over the past 30 years promote ignorance and mysticism as if it was humility by only quoting and dealing with v9 and not go on to explain the rest of the verses. This is a disservice to the people of God to keep them in the dark. Verse 10 corrects their cover up -
1Co 2:9 "But as it is written, "Eye has not seen, nor ear heard," nor has it entered into the heart of man, "the things which God has prepared for those who love Him." 1Co 2:10 But God has revealed them to us by His Spirit; for the Spirit searches all things, yea, the deep things of God."
Preachers that do this suppress knowledge and understanding, which results in stunting the growth of God's children. Some of these same types don't like questions from their congregation who pay their salary. Members are so beat down they throw up their hands and stop trying because they are told God chose this Pastor they are "under". Besides, you better not challenge the poor guy's mind too much because they might just have to study to give you an answer. Can't have that can we?
What happened to people being like the Bereans or preachers even having the attitude like some of the Apostles who encouraged people to be aggressive in learning and seeking the truth who never spoke well of ignorance? Jim Jones used the same techniques of the mystics to encourage his congregation to take the blind leap of faith, which caused the deaths of 909 who drank the poison Kool-Aid. If you believe the true gospel the word of God says you - "have the mind of Christ." (v-16)
Great short piece. There is so much error in 'religion' today, Arminianism is rooted deep. Universalism is rooted deep. Trusting in English translations and not going deeper has caused error to thrive. A man who claims to be in the faith holds to all the above errors, he also quotes and defends RCC mystic Madame Guyon. He refuses correction, lashes out at others who challenge him, and is never wrong. He is a picture of today's 'religion'.
I saw your post on fb on the Arminianism of J.C.Ryle- thank you for sharing that. Ryle is also the 'go to' guy for the above mentioned person. I look forward to reading more of your writings and hearing your preaching. May the Lord continue to bless you with boldness and truth.