At the close of the Old Testament, Jerusalem is ruled by Persia. By the time the New Testament begins, the Romans are in control of Palestine. How did the Romans come to power in the country? And what history occurred between the Persian and...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
What happened during the 400 years between Malachi and Matthew?This audio sketches in the details of religious and political change from the close of the OT timeline (with 2 Chronicles) and the opening of NT history (birth of Jesus).PDF notes also...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
A period of 400 years passes between the end of the Old Testament and the beginning of the New Testament that the Bible says nothing about. What happened during this era?
The Israelites went into exile a drifting and confused people. They spent agonising years in solitude, and in physical and mental torment. They were ministered to unexpectedly by people sent from God. They returned to Israel a sobered people....[ abbreviated | read entire ]
This audio (plus accompanying PDF file – be sure to download this to assist you in making the most of the audio) covers the period when Judah returns from their exile in Babylon. There were three stages to this return. Three major books document...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Hinn: God will be the final judge Trinidad & Tobago Express, Trinidad and Tobago/May 21, 2006 By Julien Neaves Mass hypnotism, unproven healings, an extravagant lifestyle and lack of financial accountability are some of the allegations...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Heckler & Koch USP40 The automatic weapon used by the murderous monk from Opus Dei in Dan Brown's 'The Da Vinci Code' is repeatedly described as a ‘Heckler Koch’ (DVC pp. 73, 241, 350) – presumably a reference to ‘Heckler and Koch,’ the...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Christ’s Bloodline – the Merovingian Kings and the Missing Bride! The Da Vinci Code contends that the royal blood of Christ was passed down through the lineage of Dagobert II, the last Merovingian king (late 600s). The descendants of his son,...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Another bizarre fabrication from the pen of Dan Brown: The Da Vinci Code ties in Walt Disney with the Priory of Sion through a membership of the Masons, and insists that the early Disney classics were proof that he knew the real truth of the Holy...[ abbreviated | read entire ]