Make sense of a complicated period of Israelite history! The KINGDOM ERA extended to 490 years - and can be divided into three clearly-defined parts: 1. The United Kingdom: (120 years): From Saul to Solomon. 2. The Divided Kingdom: (254...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Falconer: Don’t say Homosexual - you might offend gays! Daily Mail, April 22, 2006 By Steve Doughty Social Affairs Correspondent The Lord Chancellor has banned the word “homosexual” from official documents on the grounds that it is offensive....[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Scripture has more to stay about Samson than any of the other judges. This is not because Samson was the best of the bunch of judges, but due to the fact that special features and circumstances surrounded his life and labours. These facts should...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
... so was David! And in Psalm 42 he not only outlines the extent of his depression, but underlines how he escaped from it. This is the second message in a planned series of four on this most insightful Psalm.
PDF files are available for not only this lesson in the Basic Bible Study Course, but for all 8 studies posted to date. The plan is to cover the Old Testament in 14 lessons and then proceed to the New Testament with a further 7 lessons. Should...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Judges 2 introduces us to a concept that frequently recurs throughout the book. We may term it “The Sin Cycle.” Much of the Era of Judges involves a series of cycles that are recorded in this Book. Each cycle has four component parts,...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
If all the numbers in the Book of Judges relating to years of rest and oppression are added up, we arrive at a figure of 410 years. However, the judges did not exercise their role of deliverers of the nation sequentially: some judged...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Travel through another 400-year slice of biblical history in this latest lesson in the Basic Bible Study Course! This 8th Part of the Course addresses The Judges Era. Though this Era is an account of hard times, the Book of Ruth shines from the...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Part #8 of the Basic Bible Study Course addresses The Judges Era. Though this Era is an account of hard times, the Book of Ruth shines from the black backdrop of the Judges period as a gloriously dazzling diamond!
The Massachusetts government heard testimony last week from a young Canadian woman, Dawn C. Stefanowicz, who had been raised from infancy by her homosexual father and his various ‘partners’ in a ‘gay’ household. She told the Massachusetts...[ abbreviated | read entire ]