Great Sermon! It's the first time I have heard such a truthful account on the Catholic believe! Praise God for your courage to tell the truth. My wife who is a x catholic and now after your sermon a true believer that she left a fake Gospel.
Thank You and Praise God for your courage!
Required for entering the Kingdom ...unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God...CORINTHIANS 6:9-11
; "Repent ye, and believe the gospel."—Mark 1:15 ;
John the Reformed Baptist did not wink at sin. For Herod ... bound him in prison for Herodias’ sake, his brother Philip’s wife: for he had married her. For John had said unto Herod, It is not lawful for thee to have thy brother’s wife. Mark 6:17-18
To Consider ds wrote: "It appears to me that many christians will not enter the kingdom because they trusted not in the plain meaning of scripture"
Is this what is required for entering the kingdom? I thought it was all who believe on the Lord Jesus and look to him in faith. I did not know a misinterpretation or misunderstanding of Scripture (which I am not saying this sermon represents) would be that which takes one from being in Christ to being out of Christ. This sounds nothing short of works-based "righteousness" or legalism.
Sin is sin and it must be repented of by every believer and confessed. But ds would do well to realize that many theologians would strongly disagree with his calling his position on this teaching (i.e. divorce/remarriage) the "plain meaning of scripture."
Finally, it is quite wrong to qualify as "winking at sin" the preacher's position on this subject. He has a position right or wrong but it is not a wink but his sincere understanding of the subject.
Great Sermon? Romans 7:2 Is speaking to remarriage while the first husband is still living. She is an adulteress if she remarries while her husband lives. Also in 1 Corinthians 7:11 says she should remain unmarried or be reconciled to her husband(Paul says, he is still her husband). He also goes on to say, in v39, she can remarry if her husband be dead. It appears to me that many christians will not enter the kingdom because they trusted not in the plain meaning of scripture. You don't have to look very far, these days, to find a church that will wink at almost any sin that suits you. ds
Great Sermon! It is very difficult to get sermons by John MacArthur. I have tried and each time I only get these one or two minute sermons. Is it possible to get real sermons of thirty minutes and more
Great Sermon! I love my GTY app on my iPad. Having the GTY & for more. Thanks to John & the GTY church, all the supporters. As I will soon be able support and give back, I have learned soo much from your teaching, resources and love for the truth. I thank God again as I know he leads me as I seek to be like Christ, to live only to fulfill God's will & God's purpose for my. I find your teaches easy to understand and it's always true to scripture as u make it very easy when u say hoe many times this or that was mention, taught by God thru the prophets, Jesus and his disciples. I married a devout catholic. I was not brought up in the church, I witnessed first hand what happens if you love money. My parents were brought up in the Methodist church. I
I live through it, because of God I came from a broken home, and sadly I still have siblings at this angry home, and fearful because of our parents, they are both depended on substance abuse, drugs and drinking. Which leads to the terrible verbal abuse ect. Yet God somehow can take a broken life, and gives it hope and joy and love he or she never had because it`s in Christ. So there is hope. I am living proof that Christ cares! Pray for the Curtis family that suffer still, youngest sister is only 14 years old. Thank you!
Great Sermon! Avoided this previously as I though that it would be promoting the book of Enoch - not so. It puts the book of Enoch into some historical perspective.
Short audio clip In this short audio clip less than 2 min long, John emphasizes that the Book of Enoch is NOT inspired by the Holy Spirit, but was a piece of literature from which Jude, under the influence of the Holy Spirit, took one true statement to meet the occasion.
Very Interesting The All Mighty Man of God seated on the great white throne judges everyone who listens to him to great damnation. What a revelation! ALL GLORY BE TO him.6
True Bliss One can learn the bliss of heaven through people who have had tasted the gifts of heaven in the past. So anyone wanting to live forever must hear this sermon.
Wonderful Work Our Preacher's high risk taking - faithful work of interpretation of all kinds of Bible reaching the four corners of the world is an exceptional feat which is surely to be rewarded exceptionally. May the reward of God abide with him in all his future endeavors.
JUSTICE TO WOMEN A woman who fears the Lord is one who perfectly manages both house work and the job she holds outside world - IS THIS A BIBLICAL VIEW? IS THEIR ANY JUSTICE TO WOMEN? IS OUR GOD A GENDER BIASED GOD? CAN OUR GOD BE RIGHTLY REPRESENTED SO? LET GOD ALONE BE EXALTED!