Great Sermon! John, words of encouragement for you from my heart: I thank God for inspiring you to transmit His Truth. The Lord is with you. My prayers of thanks include you. May God bless you and yours always and all ways. Even so come Lord Jesus. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.
Great Sermon! Apostle Paul teaches there will be two thrones of Judgment - one for Jesus and one for God, so where does the election fit in there?
Christianity is a faith of choice not force as is Islam and other faiths where leaving your pagan beliefs is forbidden. Personally, I believe there are those elected and chosen for specific purposes and those who are not but chose to follow regardless. To prove the point that it is choice we have to remember that those elected or chosen had to consent to God's will for them and this even included Mary in carrying Jesus. She consented to it - she was not forced as Hagar was in carrying Ishmael.
The elect is a select group, but this does not disregard the free choice of mankind who decides to be a follower of Jesus when presented with the gospel. As well, we are not to think that all those outside of the faith are to be condemned either. Christianity is not a club of "I'm in and you're out" or there would be no great white throne of Judgment for all the world. Where these is no law, there is no judgment and those outside of the faith God alone will judge and this will have nothing to do with Jesus Christ of the New Covenant.
Blessings, Sandra
New Body Sermon! We have a great thing to look forward to after this life and in our new body. We all crave a spiritual body that has no earthly ailments.
Great Sermon! We are on the same page. If feel like you thoughts were mine Pastor MacArthur before you spoke them, hard to describe but we are in sych. I am so pleased with the tireless work of the Church much that is still new to me, I feel under-educated. Please enjoy your Christian Freedom this Sunday and everyday thanks to myself and many other who often remain nameless to show no pride as angels. God Bless!
Stark reminded A stark reminder God created some of us to be total losers who will never have a normal, stable life.
And I'm not my own. I have no choice. I have to be a loser.
Great Sermon! I have nothing but love and respect for pastor MacArthur. This sermon is a must listen as a reminder to us of the most important commandment and what it looks like. Unforgiveness, slander, bitterness & gossip has no place in the life of a believer.
Great Sermon! This series has been one of the most exciting and informative that I've listened to in years.
Praise God for raising up teachers like John Mac Arthur
Great Sermon! Chaps 1 through 4 of Rev. Observation ¶ 28:56 (24 Min.) Min. long, Part 1 of 3, Introduction to series. This sermon helps give a foundation for the Book of Revelation. ¶ The Book of Revelation is one of the most misinterpreted books in the Bible. Don't seal the Book of Revelation. God wants you to know what the Book teaches. Blessed is the person who reads the book. It's the only Book in the Bible that starts with a blessing and ends with a blessing to the reader. God wants to show his children the glorified Jesus. What also sets the book apart; it is a message from the Trinity! Note on the 7-fold Spirit! ¶ Isaiah 11:1 A shoot will come out of the stock of Jesse, and a branch out of his roots will bear fruit. 2 The Spirit of Yahweh will rest on him: the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of Yahweh. ¶ The Book is dedicated to the glory of the Coming Christ -- Amen -- So let it be. Christ is the almighty God. ¶ Not only were the seven churches actual churches, but these churches are representative of the different churches through the ages. Dominant influence in a present day church gives character of one of these seven churches to the present-day church. ¶ An ad starts 24 minutes into the program. Fine, informative sermon.
Great Sermon! I appreciate this sermon and my spirit knows you speak the truth. I have followed your ministry for many years from coastal South Carolina.
Great Sermon! Brandon, they use the NASB for the bulletins at John's Church. If memory serves that would probably be the preferred Bible. But note: "Which Bible translation is best?" article by John. It would no doubt benefit you, if you got one of John's Study Bibles, which are for the NASB, ESV, and NKJV. ¶ Dr. Thomas who is a professor at Masters Seminary was one of the translators for the NASB. You probably couldn't go wrong getting an NASB to follow John's sermons especially one his study Bibles.
Great Sermon! Correction: Should read, "The government that serves God has its citizens as its primary beneficiary and not itself. It is concerned primarily with rewarding good and punishing evil THAN with "continuity of government."
Great Sermon! Wickedness is always done under the cover of darkness, especially by our throne of iniquity which frames mischief by law(Ps. 94:20), like this, the North American Union, and the NDAA. Shall it have fellowship with God? It shall not. The government that serves God has its citizens as its primary beneficiary and not itself. It is concerned primarily with rewarding good and punishing evil and with "continuity of government."
Thank you. I thank you for your preaching Brother. Gentle suggestion, consider ommiting the introductory music and end of sermon interview they both diminish the preaching of The Word and give it an overall undesirable infomercial feel. Scripture followed by Preaching on the Scripture ending in prayer would provide the most edification and exalting of our King.
I'm still not getting the clearest interpretation. Respectfully, I wish you would have expounded on the last statement of this parable instead of the closing music following it immediately. The statement - Make friends for yourselves, by means of the wealth of unrighteousness, so that when it fails, they will receive you into eternal dwellings.
I can only take this to mean for believers to be as zealous of their eternal future eternally as the corrupt are in this world of their material future.
Is this an accurate interpretation?
Listen to every word deeply i listen to John frequently. Because of his enthusiasm and knowledge of the bible. However, listening to the last five minutes at the talk session, I am a bit leary of his relationship to God. He doesn't seem to know him personally, just His word. He says to confess Jesus as Lord, and believe he is raised from the dead, to be saved..but even the devil believes that...he condemns evangelicalism by saying the people feel God, and that it's not a feeling, but an intellectual understanding of truth. God tells us to not lean on our own understanding. David praised God thru the streets, he knew God, and felt emotion. John goes on to say, look at your life to know if your saved, but we are all sinners, and sin everyday. If we can't save ourselves, than we most definitely can't say we have no sin. It's true, once your saved, you will get better, the closer you are to God, but faith comes from hearing, and it doesn't sound like John personally has heard His voice. I have personally heard His voice, and can describe His personality, Know His thoughts, because I know Him, because I've heard his voice, you can't hear Gods voice and be unmoved..pastor John has been preaching for 40 years, but we need to question those whom we listen to..and receive Gods message from. He cannot speak about e