Generated Biblical thought An excellent sermon that should make every believer examine the vicarious atonement of Christ. His suffering for my sins, His humiliation for my sake, what a great and merciful God! You are in our prayers Pastor Schwertley
Wonderful! Another wonderful exegesis of Scripture. The light shed on the appearance of Christ before those who condemned Him was wonderful! Especially the tying together of Old and New Testamenet prophecy and it's fulfillment in Christ. Thank you Rev. Schwertly
Biblical and True Praise the Lord for faithful witnesses to His truth. Pastor Schwertly does an excellent job explaining the Scriptures, laying out the objections and refuting them. May the Lord bless these sermons to all who hear them and bring about a great day of revival!
Praise God, great sermon! I also liked that the author made a really deep study on the Law of God, giving a broad perspective. The discussed Martin Lloyd Jones, Rushdooney and other authors views are also very interesting as well. Much needed subject for churches today.
How Roman Catholic Idolatry Enters Protestantism This message contains many clues as to how Papal superstition (Roman Catholicism) and will worship (idolatry) is introduced into Protestant Churches. In this sermon Brian Schwertley conclusively demonstrates how Jordan's views on worship are seriously flawed and how his writings "often show more charity toward Papists, than toward the Reformed faith" (p. 28, Canterbury Tales by Kevin Reed). For more free resources on this topic please see "Reformation Worship Against Arminianism In Worship" at
How Satan Corrupts The Worship of God This whole MP3 series contains very important messages about how Satan is corrupting the worship of God in our day, using men (like James Jordan, John Frame, Doug Wilson, Steve Schlissel, Jeffrey Meyers, Vern Poythress, et al.) who claim some connections to the Reformed faith, but who, in reality, teach principles of worship much closer to Rome and the Papacy than to the Reformation and the best Reformers. To find out why John Calvin would have excommunicated both John Frame and James Jordan, given the idolatrous nature of their beliefs and public teaching regarding worship, please see The free article, "A Warning Against the False and Dangerous Views of James Jordan Concerning Worship," is at and will also expose more about the heresy and idolatry noted throughout Brian Schwertley's "must hear" MP3 series entitled "Liturgical Antinomianism."
James Jordan's False Worship, On The Road To Rome This MP3 series by Brian Schwertley is a much needed study refuting the nonsense, idolatry and heresy of James Jordan. More refuting James Jordan the can be found at (search for "Jordan"). The following quote, from Kevin Reed's, The Canterbury Tales (at the URL above), is apropos, "In a Lutheran/Anglican posture, Mr. Jordan is asserting that the church has been granted broad discretionary power to establish means of worship. This is similar to the Anabaptist notions, which allow the 'moving of the Spirit' to govern the present activities of the church, without any direct appeal to the law of God. In both cases, the church has the power to worship God according to the devices of men. However, the Anabaptist opts for subjectivism (due to an emphasis on individualism); the other opts for traditionalism (with an emphasis on the corporate consensus). Yet, the law of God rejects both a subjective appeal (Deut. 12:8), and an appeal to the consensus (Deut. 12:30-31). Rather, the biblical admonition directs men to the scriptural pattern of worship (Deut. 12:32)."
Great Sermon! Pastor Schwertley is a man called by God and his organization one of the last vestages of sound teaching. The choice, for me, is between His denomination and the Protestant Reformed Churches. I don't know what I'll do.
Sound Doctrine Rev Schwertley states, "Simply put, there is not one shred of evidence that can be found in the Bible to support the pretribulation rapture." It is great to see and hear the polemic against this Rapture myth, which has become all too prevalent in the churches today. Excellent work.
'Protestants' On The Road To Rome! This sermon (the first in this important series) exposes how some modern Protestants are leading people astray from biblical (Reformation) teaching on worship and holy days -- and right into the arms of Papal Antichrist! Schwertley mentions and/or convincingly refutes errors by Jordan, Horne, Meyers, Strawbridge, Schlissel, Gore, Frame, Leithart, Wilson, and Shepherd. Sadly, though a number of these men first headed toward Rome regarding worship they are now even polluting the doctrine of justification by faith alone, in a further step toward adopting Romish heresies. First they rejected sound teaching related to the second commandment (worship) and now are further apostatizing by promoting errors in opposition to the first commandment (on justification by faith alone). This message is must listening for everyone who who seeks to follow the Lord, as He has revealed Himself in Scripture, in all things. Remember that the Lord Jesus Christ said in John 14:15, "If ye love me, keep my commandments," and in Matthew 15:9, "But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men," -- then ask yourself, "Where in Scripture is Christ-mass keeping commanded by God"?
Highly Recommended! Bless God that there is a remnant standing up for the truth about this Roman and pagan day. I have studied it extensively and what Brian preaches about it is truth.
I likewise respect Brian's upholding of the "Lord's Day" although I firmly agree with the previous comment that the Sabbath was never changed. Remember - the Gentiles were grafted into Israel, not the other way around. Yet Rome and her theologians changed the day which comes in part from Easter and "good" Friday having Jesus in the grave ONLY two nights and possibly two days (or if you really stretch it three) instead of 3 days AND 3 nights.
May the Lord bless you Brian as I appreciate your tenacity for truth and unwavering commitment to preach it regardless of all who preach otherwise.
Amen! Christmas or more exactly Christ Mass is Rome's day which she "baptized" the winter solstice celebrations, primarily the Saturnalia, in her brackish baptismal waters. I praise God that Brian and a few others (very few) are preaching the truth about this day. I pray more will come out of these pagan and Romish traditions and worship the Lord in Spirit and Truth.
Another discovery... Wow! Thank you for this! This message got me to know, "Tuesday" is not found in the Bible. I have determined to, henceforth, never again observe the unscriptural day.
Thank you again.
Great Sermon! Brian has the courage to destroy this unbiblical celebration of the Birth of Christ during this time of the year! To be truly biblical Christians, we must reject Christmas as idolatry.
Great Sermon! I am always blessed by Pastor Schwertley's sermons and hope others will take advantage of them. It is sound reformed preaching and you will be blessed!