Popish Worship In Protestant Churches? Great choice for reading Brian, as this book clearly shows why Romish worship (man-made hymns, instrumental music, holy-days like Christmas, etc.) are now common place in Protestant churches -- and why this is contrary to Scripture and the best Reformation Confessions of Faith. Some of the quotes from historic Reformers (e.g. John Knox, Andrew Melville) are particularly telling.
Another Puritan Mentioned! I forgot to mention that William Perkins was also cited, in my previous comment. "Perkins was justly esteemed by his contemporaries as a master in theology," writes Charles Spurgeon (Commenting on Commentaries). "Called 'the principal architect of Elizabethan Puritanism' and 'the most important Puritan writer, Perkins was the first theologian of the reformed English church to gain an international reputation," writes McKim (Encyclopedia of the Reformed Faith, p. 274). Quotes from http://www.swrb.com/catalog/p.htm
Historical Testimony On God's Law! This sermon contains an excellent use of historical testimony in regard to the Reformation view of the Old Testament judicial law. It includes quotes from the first Reformation (John Calvin, Martin Bucer), second Reformation Covenanters (George Gillespie, Samuel Rutherford), Puritans (John Owen), the Westminster Assembly (Westminster Confession of Faith) and others. Many who are Reformed today seem to be unaware of this faithful historical testimony to the teaching of scripture, making this a very valuable message. "Remove not the ancient landmark, which thy fathers have set" (Proverbs 22:28).
Great Sermon! God bless Pastor Schwertley for teaching on a controversial, yet vital subject: the Law of God. You have taught this subject with clarity and wisdom. I am forever grateful. Thank you.
Great Sermon! Wow! This is a must listen for those seeking to influence the culture for Christ. I highly recommend this sermon! I plan to listen to part 2 right away!
Great Sermon! Part 1 and this one, part 2 are a must listen to for any professing Christian. The fact that Jesus' atonement was effectual and actually purchased His people (matt 1:21, John 10:27-29, eph 5:25, Acts 20:28, Heb 9:12 is essential truth!! To say Jesus died for those that end up in hell is horrible heresy and Pastor Schwertley makes this very clear. We must all stand up for this wonderful truth...ALL WHOM CHRIST DIED FOR ARE SAVED!!!!!!!
Great Sermon! I was totally ignorant about Theonomy/Christian Reconstruction. Now I feel like I have a good grasp about what it is. I also believe that this teaching was extreamly fair and thorough. If anyone is interested in knowing more about this movement then I would strongly encourage you to start here. Be sure and listen to part 2 also. Really, this is an excellent work from Rev. Schwertley, thank you Rev.
Great Sermon! This is one of the best sermons I have ever heard on prenatal child killing and the evil consequences of feminism. Thank you to Pastor Schwertley for preaching on this wickedness.
May God bless you for preaching the truth.
Great Sermon! Well researched and balanced sermon. I was specifically looking for some insights into the Beatitudes and found the teaching thoughtful and insightful. Much appreciated.
The Truth about Abortion Pastor Schwertley exposes the horrifying slaughter that is being carried out in American (and elsewhere) in the name of Feminism and Secular Humanism. He recognises that those who approve of abortion are morally no better than Nazis. A nation which tolerates this mass murder is in danger of judgment from Christ.
Great Lecture A very sober introduction to the book of Revelation; anyone interested in the partial preterist view of Revelation must listen to this lecture.
TREMENDOUS! This sermon comes as a breath of fresh air, a clear defense of simply doing what God would have us do despite our age of confusion and self-delusion. Of course, this sermon is not geared toward unregenerate individuals, but for those how are regenerate who will respond to Scripture and repent. It's also a strong defense for corporate discipline and the importance of the local, truly Reformed church. There's LOTS covered in just this first part of a three-part series. Whether you're struggling in your marriage or not, this is a must-hear sermon. God bless Pastor Schwertley and the listeners of this tremendous sermon.
Excellent Lecture A superb introduction to the strong points of the Theonomy movement, and a great defense of the continuing validity of the Old Testament penalties.
Important Teaching Though I am a Reformed Baptist, I love those who hold to the historic reformed views of the Westminster Confession, ie, Hodge, Miller, Alexander, and modern theologians who follow in their paths like Brian. I have listened to a number of Brian's teachings refuting the extremes that are coming into reformed circles, this subject as well as the new perspective, and believe that his teaching is a great addition to Sermon Audio.
Great Sermon! except... Excellant sermon except for replacing the word "the" with "a". I don't believe scripture supports changing the seventh day to any other day. I will listen to the remainder of the series as I'm sure you are going to cover the supposed change.
Great Sermon! Great Sermon. Thank you for having the backbone to stand up for unpopular biblical truth on christmas. However every argument you used rightfully against christmas and easter you fail to use against an equally pagen, heathen, unholy, unsanctified, unblessed day. Your "the lords day", "sunday" "sabbath". Jesus created, blessed, sanctified and rested on His Sabbath day. The seventh day saturday not the first day sunday. Man changed it to sunday not God the same way man changed pagen christmas and easter to holy days. Please have the backbone to study and stand up for His holy sabbath day the seventh day saturday. Please don't rationalise away God's true Sabbath in the same manner as christmas and easter. May God continute to richly bless you with backbone. Again thank you brother in Christ.