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Let the Bible Speak Radio
Dr. Alan Cairns  |  Greenville, South Carolina
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"Outstanding series"
David from Malvern, PA
I have been greatly blessed and have learned so much from this series of messages about the Holy Spirit. I plan on going back and...
Dr. Alan Cairns | The Holy Spirit
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Sermon10/19/10 8:10 AM
Florin Motiu from Oradea, Romania  Contact via emailFind all comments by Florin Motiu
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“ False God. ”
It is true: the God of Ope Theism is not the God of the Bible. A false God cannot give eternal life (cf. John 17:3).

Sermon9/4/10 6:37 PM
Jamie Stallings from San bernardino  Contact via emailFind all comments by Jamie Stallings
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“ Great Sermon! ”
I just wanted to say I ve been watching your videos on youtube and I understand your point of views completly ..I just have a torn feelong in my heart about the the division in the church ..How can so many christians believe in tongue and miraculous healing and other things when they are not biblical .I want to understand the bible fully and appreciate your frankness .Iam curious about your feeling on suicide?

Sermon6/14/10 4:33 PM
Gary R. Peterson from Omaha, Nebraska  Contact via emailFind all comments by Gary R. Peterson
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Fundamentalism's Lunatic Fringe
Dr. Alan Cairns
“ Good Points / Unfair Caricature of Fundamentalism ”
Alan Cairns opens his show with a segment rightly criticizing the actions of Fred Phelps and his family, which comprise the congregation of Westboro Baptist Church, those hate-mongers on a crusade against homosexuals and America in general that appear protesting at military funerals. while in full support of Cairn's reasoned evaluation, I do object to the sermon's title, "Fundamentalism's Lunatic Fringe," because Phelps & Co. are NOT Fundamentalists like John R. Rice, Jack Hyles, Lester Roloff, et al. It's frustrating to see the technical definition of a fundamentalist (one who holds to the fundamentals of the faith) being superseded by the Martin Marty and popular media re-definition of fundamentalism as describing wild-eyed, frothing believers. Good teaching, that quibble aside.

Sermon2/11/10 3:21 AM
Erwin from ISRAEL  Find all comments by Erwin
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“ Great Sermon! ”
WHY DID GOD PUNISH ISRAEL SO SEVERELY? Israel always sinned against God because of unbelief. The Old Testament is a chronicle of Israel's repeated failure to obey God and its refusal to keep His commandments. Because Israel rejected Jesus, no Israeli has a right to occupy their land on the basis of a covenant. Jesus had warned, "Therefore say I unto you, The kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruit thereof". (Mat 21:43 kjv). In 135 A.D. the Romans reduced Jerusalem to a pile of rubble. The entire population of Israel was permanently evicted from Palestine. Jesus Christs' fateful words, "Behold, your house is left unto you desolate." (Mat 23:38 kjv), met a complete fulfilment. This did not mean God rejected Israel from any hope of salvation, but it did mean that Judaism was no longer the divinely appointed means of approaching God. Israel was broken off because of unbelief of Jesus as their Messiah and that is the reason why God punish Israel so severely from thereon through Holocaust and even until now. Erwin

Sermon2/7/10 8:56 PM
B Newman from Michigan  Find all comments by B Newman
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“ Great Sermon! ”
I appreciate that this speaker is willing to stand opposed to many milk-tost preachers who attribute the very acts of God's judgment to satan (yes, I understand there are mysteries here, but God is ultimately in control of everything) - if we believe that calamities all come from satan, does this not set up in the minds of many that satan is the all powerful one? I also appreciate that the speaker points out the teaching of Jesus in Luke 13:4, that just because calamities happen in our neighbor's backyard does not mean we are less a sinner in need of repentance. I also appreciate that the speaker draws attention to the fact that these present day judgments cannot be compared to the far greater calamity (for those outside of Christ) coming at the Day of the Lord when the countless will be judged not able to enter in.

Sermon1/3/10 1:51 AM
Florin Motiu from Oradea, Romania  Contact via emailFind all comments by Florin Motiu
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“ Real death. ”
Jesus had to be in the grave for 3 days to prove that there was a real death and a real resurrection and to fulfill the OT prophecy.

Sermon1/3/10 1:45 AM
Florin Motiu from Oradea, Romania  Contact via emailFind all comments by Florin Motiu
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“ Great heresy. ”
NPP is a new attack on the doctrine of salvation (especially justification by faith), a new perspective (unbiblical) on salvation. These men do not enter the Kingdom of God and want to let not others to enter in.

Sermon12/31/09 9:41 PM
Courser from United States  Find all comments by Courser
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“ Good Explanation ”
Good explanation on tongues (languages). However, when there is a need, God can still work in a similar manner as in the New Testament. Case in point: There was a pastor from the US who visited the poor country of Haiti to speak in their yearly special meeting. The pastor did not speak the Haitian language so he had to use an interpreter. However, it was not working out well. The pastor from the US realized it and stopped in mid-sermon. He prayed for God's help to communicate to the people. Then he continued his message in English and the Haitian people heard it in their own language (without an interpreter).

Sermon12/14/09 3:19 PM
P J Gordon from Helensburgh, Scotland  Contact via emailFind all comments by P J Gordon
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“ Closely studied subject! ”
This is so amazing that Dr. Alan Cairns has closely studied this and believes that according to the scriptures Christ died late on a Wednesday. I am not sure if Dr. Cairns has done any deeper sermons on this but I am going to have a go.

Sermon11/28/09 1:45 PM
Guy Deautels from Saskatchewan Canada  Contact via emailFind all comments by Guy Deautels
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Bad Science and Worse Theology
Dr. Alan Cairns
“ Which Intelligent Designer??? ”
Some who use term "Intelligent Design" may not be referring to the God who in the beginning create the heaven and the earth, but rather may be referring to intelligent life from outer space who started life here on earth. Same error when dealing with connotaions of grace, mercy, faith...

Sermon11/20/09 12:26 AM
Kailash Agnihotri from Noida, U.P. India  Contact via emailFind all comments by Kailash Agnihotri
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Good to hear of an author whose book on Prayer I have been reading and never able to finish reading. I am glad to hear your voice and for some of the programme I understood these are greetings from a listener.

Sermon10/19/09 12:12 PM
David Thiel from Michigan  Contact via emailFind all comments by David Thiel
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Can women be pastors?
Dr. Alan Cairns
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you Pastor Cairns for addressing this issue from the Bible and not from (y)our emotions. Women can be a lot of things in the Church Body, but being a pastor is strickly forbidden. Women who claim to be pastors are not ordained of God, but of men. God Bless you Brother. IHS, David Thiel

Sermon10/12/09 12:01 AM
Cy from midwest  Find all comments by Cy
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What about the gift of healing?
Dr. Alan Cairns
“ Great Sermon! ”
Good clip. And right on!

Sermon10/11/09 11:31 PM
Cy from midwest  Find all comments by Cy
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Very good.

Sermon10/8/09 5:20 PM
Sid from New Zealand  Find all comments by Sid
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“ Spanking ban to stay in NZ ”
Good Sermon and I totally agree with your comments. Unfortunately our new "so called" conservative prime minister believes he knows better than the 87.6% of New Zealander's who voted in the recent referendum to get rid of the crazy "anti smacking" law that was brought in by the previous Labour Government. He has openly stated that his government will not repeal this law. So it is still a crime in NZ to discipline your child with a light smack.

Sermon10/2/09 6:48 PM
Joseph C from United States  Contact via emailFind all comments by Joseph C
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Is church membership Biblical?
Dr. Alan Cairns
“ Great Sermon! ”
As always, a wonderful sermon by Dr Alan Cairns. I am thankful for his clear Bible reasoning instead of all the no 501c3 and parachurch talk. Alan Cairns is a man I try to listen to often

Sermon9/19/09 8:59 AM
Florin Motiu from Oradea, Romania  Contact via emailFind all comments by Florin Motiu
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Is the emerging church dangerous?
Dr. Alan Cairns
“ Dangerous, because not Christian. ”
In Romania, the Baptist churches (to which I belong) say about themselves that are conservative - but there is this lack of discernment that a publisher among them publishes Steve Chalke and many in the churches look at him as evangelical!

Sermon9/19/09 8:51 AM
Florin Motiu from Oradea, Romania  Contact via emailFind all comments by Florin Motiu
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“ No. ”
Excellent observation: people who are calling themselves today apostles are arrogating for themselves an authority which they received not from God, and they are doing this to arrogate a dictatorship so that people should be forced to submit to their teaching and leadership.

Sermon9/9/09 12:46 PM
Florin Motiu from Oradea, Romania  Contact via emailFind all comments by Florin Motiu
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Is Roman Catholicism Christian?
Dr. Alan Cairns
“ No. ”
If the Bible defines what it means to be a Christian, then Roman Catholicism is not a Christian church, but an non-Christian and anti-Christian cult, because it has another authority over the Scripture. Clear argumentation.

Sermon9/9/09 12:35 PM
Florin Motiu from Oradea, Romania  Contact via emailFind all comments by Florin Motiu
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“ Knowing the real Jesus. ”
The greatest need of the church is to know the Jesus of the Bible, not a modified Jesus, to rediscover prayer and to be separated from the world.

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