Wonderful solid message Wonderful message, totally bible based and presented extremely well. Truth is truth, he puts it out--and let's the Holy Spirit deliver it.
Really Helpful As a theology student in her last year in a Catholic collage, i found Dr ALn's series really helpful in defending my faith. As I have only come to Christ in past few years, I need all the help I can get when arguing against Catholic theologians. Dr Cairns help to define what salvation by grace means. God Bless his work!
Great Sermon! Christian, thanks for sharing your own experience re: the homosexual lifestyle and your own struggle with it. I, too, have struggled with homosexuality and still do. I pray that God will give me a true hatred for this sin. I can't help my feelings but I do know the Bible calls this lifestyle sin. Perhaps many more men struggle with this and just do not open up like you and I have done.
the truth shall set you free Thank you so much for this encouraging programme! I was an even sader case, because I used to be a born-again Christian for many years and yet lived a double-life serving homosexual ideas. After strong conviction I completely broke with the homosexual lifestyle but I still struggle with temptations and I often doubt my salvation because of the wicked and hypocritical life I have lived for so long. Homosexuality IS death! It is death to the body, death to the spirit and worst of all it is death to the soul. Lord have mercy! May grace still abound where sin abounded to God's glory!
Interesting meditation. I listened to all the 5 messages that form the subject "Christ the friend of sinners". I was built up, I was fed, I was blessed. Thank you!
Great blessing! I discovered today these messages here. I listened today to three messages of Alan Cairns. I was moved by them, touched in my heart. I listened to them with spiritual hunger and spiritual pleasure. I was blessed. God spoke me through the messages and encouraged me. I am a Baptist – and I was so moved by listening to the songs! I felt again that we are one, brothers in Christ. Thank you for all!
Call this stuff what it is! Dr. Cairns simply calls the prosperity gospel what it is - a scam! This charismatic cancer is eating away at Christianity. It's a system that has been perfected and distilled into a science for talking people into sending money. Any pretense of a religious or spiritual component to this cancerous system has been completely lost. It's all about money, all the time. The other night I saw a television talk show that was supposed to be Christian where the host was selling the guest's book, and held it up to the camera, but you couldn't see it because he had superimposed an ad for his own book on top of it! I keep thinking people will just get sick of this non-stop fundraising, but they don't. So I encourage every Christian - especially those caught up in the prosperity gospel - to listen. The prosperity gospel part tarts about 3:10 into this radio program. I would urge this radio program to cut this one segment out and post it by itself. It's that important. No one should miss this.
Great Sermon! I agree that Ian Paisley is one of the greatest preachers I've ever heard and definately a Prophet of FIRE! What a great man. His sermons alone have changed the course of my life. I gave up a worldly Christian life, full of hypocrisy and feebleness and have come to embrace the true Christ, the Jesus who saves and requires our obedience and service. Praise God for Ian Paisley, a Bible preacher and man of God who is not afraid to preach the truth. May God grant you many years.
Former Catholic Priest, now 100% reformed and evan Dear Pastor Alan Cairns,
Thank you for your messages which I have listed to intently. I was told that Pastor Mark Allison gave you some of our materials on his last visit to Greenville. I spent twenty-two years as a Roman Catholic priest having had the best of academic training in things Catholic, plus twenty-one years of being a Parish Priest applying Catholic teachings to everyday life. After fourteen years of contrasting Catholicism to Biblical truth, I was convicted by the Gospel message. In 1986, I saw that justification is not being inwardly just as Rome taught, but being accepted in Christ (Eph 1: 6). I was then saved by God’s grace alone, and formally left the Catholic Church and its priesthood. I am now, by the grace of God, 100% reformed and evangelistic. My Webpage: www.bereanbeacon.org
I greatly desire to see that you either call me or email me so that I can put some suggestions to you. My email address is: rbennett@stic.net
My Telephone number is 512-581-0186 Home; 512-581-0187 Office
Yours by grace alone in our Precious Savior
Richard Bennett
Great Sermon! Thank you, Dr Cairns, for this tribute to a great man of God, Dr Ian Paisley. As you remark, Dr Paisley is held in esteem even by those who could be counted his political opponents in Ireland. The rabid and savage attacks come from those whose real enemy is the Gospel of salvation in Jesus Christ which is found in the Bible.