Vatican and WCC: Rebel Churches It is important to remember Proverbs 17:11 in response to the Vatican and World Council of Churches because both church organizations are really rebel churches run by rebels preparing the world for the coming of the Antichrist. As we know, the Antichrist (the beast) will also be a rebel against Abba Father, Jesus The Son, and The Holy Spirit. This also means that the Vatican and the World Council of Churches will prepare the masses to receive the rebellious mark of the beast which will result in eternal punishment in The Lake of Fire. Worth noting Revelation 18, Revelation 19, and Revelation 20. This sermon is a call to repent of the sin of rebellion, which is the sin that brought the Vatican and World Council of Churches into existence.
Great Sermon! In Matt 23 Jesus was talking to the group of men who put themselves on a very high pedestal, they claimed that only they were allowed to go straight to the Heavenly Father because only they believed that they were worthy enough to approach the Almighty. Everyone had to go to them for intercession to the Father. The Catholic Church has the same attitude as those men in Matt 23. The Catholic Church is a very proud puffed up disrespectful arrogant attitude, believing that it is the only organization that has the authority to approach the Almighty because the Catholic priesthood is most holy and everyone else are hopeless sinners who cannot approach our Savior. The Catholic Church has taken the title Father for itself to make itself look good in men’s eyes. Jesus does not allow anyone to have the attitude thinking that only they can approach the Father and no one else can. Jesus said come unto me. What part of this doesn’t the Catholic Church understand. No one has the right to call themselves Father thinking that they alone are worthy enough to approach the Heavenly Father on our behalf.
Gospel To China (Zhōngguó 中國) It is great to hear that the Gospel of Jesus is being preached even in Communist China (called Zhōngguó 中國 in the Chinese tongue). The lack of liberty in Communist China shows that The Glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ matters in all of the world.
Catholic church did it If you take time to review history you will find that the early Christians did in fact keep the Sabbath and that the day was officially changed by the Catholic church.
Universities: Institutions of Inclusivism This sermon shows that universities are really institutions of inclusivism. As Harvard University is seeking to become more inclusive, it is seeking to undo the Puritan Heritage of its predecessors. This is because the Puritans were very exclusive in their doctrine because Puritan doctrine is based on the Bible. This is because the Bible teaches that born again believers are the elect as John Calvin understood.
Hate Crime Legislation: Anti-Biblical To The Core With the many nations around the world pushing for legislation calling for the prosecution of "hate crimes", it appears that the world is seeking to make a legal system which is all inclusive, particularly towards false religions, occultism, abortion practitioners, apostate Christendom, and even alternative lifestyles like the LGBT lifestyle. Some differences, like ethnic descent and skin color, should be put aside, but when putting aside differences requires us to compromise our Biblical Convictions, then we should not put aside our differences for the sake of compromise. This is already becoming a reality in the United States of America, which it has been since the ratification of the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, the source of inclusivism in America. In America today, Elijah would have been prosecuted with a "hate crime" for executing the unrighteous prophets of Baal and the prophets of the groves with the sword. This sermon shows that the codification of "hate crimes" is really rebellion against Yehovah and His Eternal Kingdom. Of course, this rebellion is foreordained to be put down.
Great Sermon! Thanks for this sermon, just the other day we debated on the Sabbath and at a point i almost thought of not obeying the commandment by worshiping on Sunday. most importantly keeping the Sabbath holy is what is spoken by Christ Jesus who is the Lord of the Sabbath .There is no judgement for not obeying a day of the week.God desires us to have mercy and do good on this resting day with him.Math.12:1-12.
Great Sermon! The titles of some of your messages on Israel don't seem to fit the messages. For instance this one on Will Iran destroy Israel doesn't even mention that topic, it is rather on the Lord of the harvest. Just letting you know there are several messages supposedly on Israel that are not on that topic at all???
WCC and Vatican: Houses of Traitors The organizations called the Vatican and the World Council of Churches are really houses of traitors. Enough said.
A Dark Shadow Cast Over All of Europe It looks like the Vatican is casting its dark shadow all over Europe again. Of course, during the Inquisition circa 1231 A.D. to 1826 A.D., the Roman Catholic church controlled the European continent, even to the point of censoring any voice critical of the Roman Catholic church and its damnable heresies. Now with the United Nations and the European Union being in partnership with the Vatican, it, the Vatican, has become more dangerous than ever. This yoking of the political and the religious is about preparing the world for the coming of the Antichrist. Until then, extinction is coming upon the Vatican.
Remembering The Imprecatory Psalms It is worth remembering the Imprecatory Psalms of Psalms 5, 10, 17, 35, 58, 59, 69, 70, 79, 83, 109, 129, 137, and 140 in response to the Vatican and the World Council of Churches.
WCC and Vatican: Workers of Iniquity It is important to remember Psalm 5:5 and Psalm 7:11 with regards to the pope and the general secretary of the World Council of Churches. The Lord hates the workers of iniquity. The workers of iniquity include the Roman Catholic popes and the general secretaries of the World Council of Churches. Since The Lord is angry with the wicked every day, it means that The Lord is angry with the Roman Catholic popes and the general secretaries of the World Council of Churches every single day.
WCC and Vatican: The Ends Justify The Means The philosophy that the ends justify the means is what the World Council of Churches and the Vatican is all about. In a very troubling manner, the idea that the ends justify the means is also widely practiced by the Jesuit Society.
World Council of Relativistic Churches This sermon shows why the World Council of Churches promotes situational ethics and relativism. Then again, the Vatican has been pushing situational ethics and relativism for a long time.
Altering God's Commandments. Sir:
1. You have failed to show where we are instructed to transfer Sabbath-keeping to the first day. Believers in NT times met together on the first day and probably called it The Lord's Day, but nowhere was it called a transfer of the Sabbath, or a Christian Sabbath!
2. "We keep the Sabbath".
We don't - not as it was instituted by God, and how dare we audaciously adjust it and shift it around at our behest!
3.To believe it has its fulfilment in Christ our Eternal Rest, is not to excise it from the Decalogue. The Decalogue, along with every other law given by God, stands forever fulfilled for us before the face of our Sovereign Judge, by Christ Jesus, on our behalf, we the wretched law-breakers! We have been made free from every terror, threat, requirement, and punishment of the Sinai law - even dead to it, that We might be married to Christ and bear fruit unto God. Rom 7:4.
4.Hebrews 4 does not speak of the transfer of the Sabbath. The context is clearly an exhortation to faith in Christ's finished work, urging us to enter into the rest that He has accomplished for us, and not about keeping a day.It almost sounds as if you are sidelining the need to cease from our own works?
5.Exodus31:17 The Sabbath was given as a sign. Was it pointing to our now-accomplished rest in Ch
A Sermon Predicting Extinction This sermon shows why the World Council of Churches and the Vatican will be foreordained to extinction. While the wicked people of the world will bewail the extinction of the World Council of Churches and the Vatican, The Lord's People will rejoice over it. Remember Revelation 18:1-24.