Thought provoking It does make you wonder about people who spend so much time getting their doctrines right. Many nonbelievers will hold up this story for a long time to say, 'What good is your Belief System?
Great Sermon! Notice how Romans 1.27 is shadow-banned from reading or preaching on by church boards all over America and the world.
Even Romans 1:18 through to the end of the chapter is no longer preached on by so many churches in their sermons. Many stop at Romans 1:17 and will not go further.
This is the Spirit of Anti-Christ.
It will get worse. Soon Romans 1 will be banned, you can count on it, and It is already shadow-banned, they just do not talk about it.
My brothers & sisters in Christ, we must stand firm for truth and the Word of God.
God bless you and give you the courage as you store up your treasures in heaven, not in this corrupt world.
A balm to my soul I homeschool like this. But lately I’ve been doubting and have been discouraged as none of my hs mom friends have stayed this course. I feel like an island, and while Matt 6:33 has been my anchor for years, the enemy has been hard at work on me lately. Thanks for this encouragement.
one of the best spiderman movies. the new goblin's design was awesome, and i like the portrayal of eddie brock as a ass-kissing know it all. Sandman was an intresting charater, although it was a suprise when they revealed him to be uncle bens murderer. the cg effects were amazing, especially the symbiote moving like a hand or a spider. and that scene in the church? my favorite.
Great Sermon! Through God's generous providence, we were able to raise and home educate 9 children on one modest income. (While also buying our home and remaining debt free). What God commands, he provides for....
Airport Body Scanners: Adultery of the Heart But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart. (Matthew 5:28).
Great Sermon! Are there any ministries in the US helping Christians from Canada and elsewhere to obtain asylum in America? Kevin makes a great point that more of us are needed there to stem the tide of godlessness and help disciple a nation and a generation.
Indoctrination the process of teaching a person or group to accept a set of beliefs uncritically.This is a perfect example of indoctrination at its finest. You have convince your daughter. Wow! What next smurfs!! LOL Jesus.... Santa clause for adults. Christianity…the belief that some cosmic Jewish zombie will grant you immortality, if you ‘symbolically’ eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can rid an evil imbedded in mans soul because some rib woman was tricked into eating a magic apple by a talking to a snake…yeah makes perfect sense. Lmao!!!!
Another timely, spot-on message by Kevin Swanson! Not only is the rule of women and children judgement on the others, it's judgment on tue women and children who rule. They weren't made for it and it will take its toll on them.
The South was once it's OWN union. It is very important to understand how the states of the Confederate South left only when their rights were unrepentantly infringed upon and then was invaded by the Communist North.
Great Sermon! Wow...50 years ago, girls could only wear pants, on a "free day"
No one knew then, that girls not wearing dresses would lead to gender confusion😣😢
Great Sermon! 2 chronicles 7:14 rings out loudly!
I've also been hearing, that people are changing the weather. I think they are, since we are sinning in this area.
CA is burning, while other states are flooding😣😢😔
Homes that Christians travellers can stay in Sounds like a wonderful program Pastor Swanson! Thank you so much for bringing it to our attention. Makes me want to travel to Las Vegas just to meet the Flynns!
Great Sermon! CMacDonald- do not be afraid. The Lord knows where you are and what is happening. Continue to pray and put all your hope in Him. He can turn the most dire of situations around. He is your refuge. Remember he laughs at the nations who plot against Him. There is no safe place on earth, God is your strong tower.