Great Sermon! The sad spiritual declension of the church in America is expertly exposed and the needful remedy of returning to God brilliantly laid out in a masterful message which everyone who desperately yearns for revival should carefully study.
Short Cut If you don't want to listen to all 33 sermons then listen to this sermon on Self Deception 33 times ! Self Deceit = Self Conceit ! Talk about "Pin The Tail On The Donkey" ... HeeHaw HeeHaw HeeHaw !!!
Excellent Series Maybe start with the sermon titled "Repentance" and then listen to the 33 part series in continuity and in it's entirety. It's sure to be a roller coaster ride of exposing The Flesh and mending by The Spirit. Thank you Pastor ! and thank you Holy Spirit !
One of the beat sermons ive ever heard!!! Unbelievable, but of course so believable that I literally have changes my life today after hearing it. I was already a Christian, but after this..thank. you my God.
Great Sermon! Every preacher and evangelist needs to carefully listen to this gripping message on life and death. How few today are truly converted and how few preachers there are who are deeply familiar with the doctrines here presented with such power and clarity. Listen to this message!
Game Over. Just a single glance of His Holiness shatters my religious shell game. O wretched man that I am ! Therefore, I abhor myself and repent in dust and ashes. Thank You Jesus !!!!!!! And Thank You Pastor!
Great Sermon! That was great! Can't wait for the next one.i especially liked the part where you explained how the fallen Angela disobeyed God and the good angels obey God. Thank you!
Thank you Sermon was done in a Christian way. However, many of the quotes used about the SDA did not provide the references. Many facts provided were taken out of context.
God's Blessings
A Very Sobering Message! This could be the most important sermon you will ever hear! Brother Curt Daniel delivers a very convicting message which will cause the hearer to examine himself! If you are already saved it will give you a greater zeal to reach the lost. If you are not saved, this may be the last warning you will ever hear!
Well worth listening to multiple times. Brother Curt also has a great series of 55 sermons on The Attributes of God. I've had the privilege of hearing this brother live when he used to visit Mills Road Baptist in Houston many years ago. Thanks Sermon Audio for the blessing of hearing him again from way up in Illinois. Thanks be to God for Sermon Audio!!!