Comforting Sermon! As life gets more difficult for us being "born again", we will get some comforting words and Scriptural examples that will help get us through our down days. In our darkest time, we can look to Gethsemane where Jesus felt the greatest time of His understanding of what He was to do to give salvation to sinners. If you can relate to this dark night of the soul, you will see that Jesus now understands and is with you in your dark night. We must turn to God in our deepest troubles because there is no one else who loves and understands what you're facing. Thank you Jesus for saving my life in eternity.
Very Revealing Sermon! This sermon should stir every Christian to get serious about looking at the trends and directions that are happening in America. They are obvious in every aspect of our culture. If we look back 50 yrs. we can see the earliest
"symptoms" that have lead to outright actions -- in our churches, in politics, in medicine, in society, etc. -- all the major parts of our nation have changed drastically, and mostly for the worse. From these signs, you can use the Holy Bible to see where we will be in just a few decades. Unless we have Revival, our nation will be a third-class of Christianity -- we can see what has happened in Europe a once strong Christian stronghold, now nobody goes to a Christian church -- we're on the same road to destruction without God as our leader.
Powerful convicting Sermon! There's so much overpowering reasons to understand what true repentance is that it's hard to condense it. But most of all this sermon will tell you there are many different degrees and forms of repentance that people use, but it's not true repentance unless it involves deep sorrow and agony where you have heartbreak that you offended God with your sinning, and with all your heart you are sorry for rejecting God and accepting the sinful behavior. True repentance is a very involved act done by the sinner, and most churches don't preach this type of having our sin covered with the Blood of Jesus Christ. Too often , it's merely a degree of showing sadness which does not give us salvation. Brother Curt opens up the Godly meaning of true repentance that you must feel and show if you will be accepted by God in heaven.
Informative Sermon! This is a great explanation of the various reactions to Jesus Christ by even his own brothers and sisters -- everything from unbelief and doubts before they finally realized that He was truly God as He preached. Brother Curt gives us great comfort to our faith that even we can have doubts and questions, but that our faith will be strong to see and believe the Gospel that Jesus Christ preached. A very nice, warm sermon. Brother Kurt has a pleasing manner in delivering his sermons. Thank you Brother.
Excellent Sermon! This is an excellent overall description of demon possession that come in all forms such as drug addiction, sexual perversions and idolatry of many kinds. Demons have greater powers than mankind and that's why we need to get closer to God in our everyday living. It's a shame that in our society many people have more concern for their pets than for mankind and even Jesus Christ. We are living in a selfish, vain world and must be aware of many temptations. This strong sermon covers a wide picture of today's problems and the hate for Christ Jesus. Listen to it and be informed.
Great Sermon! What a powerful, timely, convicting, and encouraging sermon! My heart was stirred joyously to examine myself in the light of God's word.
Thank you Dr. Daniel
timely thanks for this truly inspiring, educational and timely teaching sermon. The church is sorely lacking to tell people what is REALLY going on in the so called churches of today. Thank you so much.
Great Sermon! I appreciate your sermons. Wish I could attend in person. Cannot find a good pastor/church in my area. However, I'm curious why you don't honor the Sabbath as our Lord did. He didn't change the Sabbath to Sunday. Thank you for your sermons. God bless. . .
Great Sermon! Heaven is real if God choice us to be with Him and Accept Him for our savior in our sinand we believe in him and humble ourselves that we are sinners' to Him we are save, in Heaven No more tears,No more pain,No more Suffering,and no more sorrow but Joy in the spirit with peace to God in Heaven.
Heaven I just downloaded this sermon so I can't comment on it yet, but I've heard some things about Heaven.
Since God is infinite, what we learn from Him and about Him will never diminish. It will be knowledge forever expanding.
God will sing to us. If there is some music now that is so beautiful it can move us to tears, what about Him and the music He can express? What about our ability to receive His expressions of love with no sin nature to hinder us?
God is Beautiful. How can we even imagine anything remotely similar to beauty that He alone is? Again, no sin nature to hinder us from beholding and appreciating Him.
My two cents worth.
God has appointed the Last Day. The Last Day of time, is already set in time (Acts 17:31). It's the end of the world, it's the end of time, it's the Glorious Victorious Day, when the all-victorious, all-triumphant, all-conquering KING of GLORY JESUS CHRIST will be revealed from heaven. Even so come, LORD JESUS!
We know, that even now, that Wicked One, Satan, is destroyed. The Devil's days are numbered, and Lucifer knows it. The head of that Old Serpent has been eternally crushed by the SON of MAN, and that great seven headed red Dragon shall soon be removed into the Lake of Fire, to abide under the wrath of the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY, for all eternity! Victory! O Victory! in the glorious SON of GOD, JESUS CHRIST!
Great Sermon! It is a gracious gift to have the privilege to hear a man who is seasoned by decades upon decades of walking with God and to share with us what he has learned on his journey.
Great Sermon! I started this study on true and false conversion in Acts 8 ( the difference between the Ethiopian and Simon the sorcerer). This is such an important subject- how easy it is to be so near and yet so far- this is a very godly man with experience speaking on this subject. I would recommend this sermon and also a deeper study on this subject.
Mark 1
15And saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel.