Great Sermon! Excellent message and very sobering. So glad to hear you tying in Hebrews 6 and 10 to this lesson and that it is just as relevant today as in the Old Testament.
Overcoming the Fear of Death Dear Pastor Daniels: Pastor Al Martin's first wife who died was Marilyn not Dorothy. Dorothy is the name of his present wife.
Excellent sermon! Too many preachers are afraid to preach like this because congregations don't want to hear it. As this pastor says, it's God's own words. Fear Him!
wondering So it's not a Roman Catholic day but yet Protestants do it? And what is the basis of observing it? Tradition? Whose tradition? The day is that from paganism and adopted by the Roman Catholic Church by Constantine on the day of Saturnalia celebrated by pagan Rome. Spurgeon admitted that the day is therefore "superstition". So why should we observe something arbitrary as if it is a law in require attendance or even expect it when it is really an excuse together and quote remember before everybody goes home and exchanges presents with trees which has no basis whatsoever except from ancient custom of the pagans. The confusing of December 25th and even the name Christmas is erroneous and misleading to Christians. If we fear God why can't we do otherwise?
important Sermon! any church where there is no fear of God and the pastors always smile and the spirit of levity and joking around prevails it cannot be a true church. If the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom the lack thereof shows foolishness only. Levity is the mark of the world. People dislike all seriousness anymore. Where do you find levity in the Bible or Jesus? Only among mockers. It never says Jesus laughed, only wept. God only laughs in scorn upon wicked rebels who dare conspire against him. Silly humor is rebuked in Colossians
Great Sermon! What a passionate sermon. I thirst for God very much so this message really spoke to me and challenged me to think about how I can make the Lord first and foremost of my life!
Powerful Sermon! If you don't get the power of this message, you don't know what it means to repent. This message gives all the parts of understanding and truly repenting as God requires. As a Christian if you question this message you don't know what repentance is. No unanswered questions left if you listen to this outstanding message.
Outstanding Sermon! Wow, this is tremendously comforting sermon for us who are saved and know it 100%. We have many trials and pain in this world and many times it gets us down. But that's the biggest reason to listen to this message and get strength in those tough days. I felt very comforted after hearing this. Outstanding message, thank you Brother Curt.
Outstanding Sermon! I heard this sermon again after making a comment 2 yrs ago, and I learned even more today. There is so much tolerance, compromise, and condoning in today's so-called Christian churches that it makes me sick. There is so much weakness with today's preachers, and so much laziness and Biblical ignorance in people in the pews, that I agree that no more than 4% are truly "born again" and follow Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. What a shame our True Gospel has been perverted so much in the past 100 yrs. This is a great, great sermon that deserves to be heard in every church, but won't.
Enjoyable Real Quick: I am non religious, used to be evangelical Christian. Used to spend time looking at arguments and proofs and became less and less impressed. Not a fan of presuppositional apologetics either however I do believe it is in a sense the most honest approach. It recognizes faith or the presupposition of faith/bible at the onset. Other forms of apologetic dance around the issue hoping the listener won't notice. I find this dishonest.
I appreciated your honest and forthright admission in this first of the series. I wish other van tillian followers were more humble and less obnoxious in their delivery - perhaps something to warn your people about. I have typically found them this way.
As you say, I have a "moral objection" to the faith and already know I won't be convinced and that's OK. We can agree to disagree as they say. But I found your delivery open and honest. Thank you. Well done.
Great Sermon! Great sermon~! also the satanists called the process church of which charles manson was a member of, are still around, this satanist sect has went "underground" used to be you could tell by what necklace they wore ...
i know too much minutia ....
with love from
lady ozmliad