Great Sermon! Last night I was telling my wife about this sermon. She remarked that I had an amazing endurance for this doctrine having just narrated Edwards sermon, The Wicked Shall be Cast Into A Furnace of Fire. SID=1022131230583
But I woke up this morning overwhelmed with this subject. I don't have an endurance for it. I accept it by faith, but to wrap my mind around it and come to terms with it, I just cannot. Both my wife and I were born into families where we have no indication any other sibling or parent is converted. And the dread of anyone we know going there is deep. I must say - and it doesn't surprise me since I have talked to Dr. Daniel at some length about books - that his amount of reading enabled him to bring an imagery to this awful subject that some lack. I don't recall hearing the Edwards story and I have narrated the whole life of Edwards by Sereno Dwight. But it adds weight to the solemnity of his presentation as other choice expressions in this sermon does. One thing I cannot deny, having been a Christian for many years, a major part of the fires of hell will be,as Edwards says, that which breaks out from the sinners own bosom in hell. There is enough remaining sin in me to keep my mouth shut forever and trust to grace alone. Romans 3:19
Great Sermon! Calvery Contender has the signers of E.C.T. The half hearted objectors Did SIGN IT. AND they happen to be the popular "renown" pastors. THOSE with no discernment hang on these compromisers every word. It is appalling to watch men exalt man. Warn as you may, the carnal will seek these men out. Wolves they are with wolf puppies spreading the destruction of souls.
Great Sermon! Thank you for opening my eyes and
Pray you will continue preaching. Our preachers are not preaching this and probably don't even know about it themselves. They probably don't want to know, they would have to get out of their comfortable little world.
Great Sermon! Brother Curt really delivers a powerful exposition on the doctrine of apostasy. This is a must hear message as we live in an apostate time.
Keep preaching it dear brother!
Great Sermon! I would like add to my earlier comment. There is something helpful and illustratve from the life of John Gresham Machen. when he was in Germany studying with the theologicol liberals it put him into a spiritual and intellectual crisis He was with people from whom the name of Jesus was never far from there lips Not only learned and scholarly, but devoted and deeply religious with an apparant love of God and neighbour. But he found the Christ they worshiped in their hearts was not the Christ
of The Bible. By God's preserving grace he came through this crisis to write Chistianity and Lberalism, and What is faith?, which wonderfully highlight contrasts between the two religions (not two versions of christianity).
The word anti (as in antichrist) is used in two senses in the Bible, to oppose from without and to usurp from within. It is like dealing in counterfeit currency you can get all the goods but eventualky your economy collapses leaving you with nothing and destitute. Only this will leave you destitute and with nothing for all eternity.
Great Sermon! A very good overview of the deviations and denials of biblical truth down the ages to the present day. A call to be vigilant in defense of the gospel, this talk equips you to spot the same old wolves in sheep's clothing. May God by His inerrant infallable Word guide,protect and preseve us in His Truth.
There is a good testamony by Eta linnamann the former critical theologian, at though it does have a charismatic element in it unfortunately.
Great Sermon! This was a great message on Lordship salvation and I couldn't agree more. Jesus is either the most important person in our lives or we don't belong to him. I am somewhat surprised that he quoted Piper, but the message was delivered in early 2009. This message encourage me tremendously! No easy believism with this Pastor!
Great Sermon! Thank you Brother Curt for powerfully reminding us that just because the prevailing system of evangelism is in the majority, it doesn't have the smile of heaven upon it, but rather the smell of Hell.
Keep preaching the doctrines of grace all for His glory!
Great Sermon! Amen!!!!! Right on Brother!!! I am an Independent Missionary Baptist and most of the guys I fellowship with would be shouting hearing this message!!! Thank u for the good message!!!!
Great Sermon! A wonderful message. Thank you. Holy Spirit, blow across the strings of my heart and create in me worship of the Lord Jesus that is pleasing to Him. Thank You.