Great Sermon! Shirin, thanks for the compliment, our God is worthy of all praise and much more. There is a 12 sermon series on 1 Peter archived here with SermonAudio.
Apologies for the late reply.
Great Sermon! Great Sermon! It reminds me when our church sang "In the Garden" which my my favorite childhood hymn. It brought memories back when I had epilepsy and other kids made fun of me. Self-pity started filling me because of missing having boy friends or dates in school. The LORD then spoke to my heart and said "That illness was MY Love-gift to you." All I could think of was how painful it was. HE then said, "Didn't it protect you from the wrong crowd?" I then saw how much HE loved even in the afflictions of life. (Raised in New Orleans, I would have been on Bourbon St. with my background.) I have learned to see God in all areas of my life.
Great Sermon! Thank you for your messages, I listen daily. If Christ’s temptations were not like ours, what then does this verse mean?
Heb 4:15Â Â For we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin.
Great Sermon! Dear Pastor , could you please do a sermon on 1 Peter 3: 19- 20.
I would really like to know. Did Jesus really go to Hadies to preach to the prisoners from Noahs time. Please. Thank you so much , Shirin long
So looking forward to it.
Great Sermon! Thank you, thank you for this excellent message. As I listened to this, it spoke to everything I'm going through right now in my life. For far too long I thought I was the only one who could experience the things you have spoken of. I believe that many Christians are too proud to admit their weaknesses and inner turmoil for fear they would be seen as weak, or they wonder what people would think of them if they showed the "weakness" of fear, depression, failures,etc. Thank you for reminding us that we need to "get real" with God and with people.
Great Sermon! Thank Pastor Daniel for such a profound and timely message for a broken heart. As a believer who has placed her trust and faith in Christ the Saviour you still sometimes wonder if you can ever be completely healed or restored. May God apply and bless the hearts of those that need to hear this message. May the Lord bless you and continue to use you to further His kingdom
Great Sermon! Thank you bro Daniel. You are on my list of great preachers, not only in content of the Word, but also in the compassionate delivery. Thank you again
Great Sermon! I have listened to this sermon twice and look forward to listening to it again in this series, ‘True Spirituality’. The sermon is one to meditate on.
Great searching. Soul shaking message. The Lord searched my heart through it this morning. I thank the Lord for this blessing and I pray that His searching may continue!
Great Sermon! Thank you for the valuable clarification. I've read some some of the material mentioned, but won't do so again. God bless you Pastor.
Great Sermon! I can honestly say I’ve never heard a message like this one... the message was very clear and very serious. May we never pass up the time to repent and beg for Gods mercy...and seek him continually.