Beware of Wolves in Sheep's Clothing This sermon alerts us to the false teachers -- in fact, the HOST of false teachers -- of this "last hour" of "the last days." In is a marvelous companion piece to an earlier sermon by Pastor VanderMeulen entitled God's "Wrath: Our Moral Corruption" which I also highly recommend (I've given CD's to quite a few people).
He cautions us to watch out for the "powerful speakers" and the "miracle workers," for their power and miraculous works do not show, as they might claim, that they are sent from God no many how many times they seem to lift up the name of Jesus Christ. Rather, we need to stand foursquare in the middle of historical beliefs about the Lord. Don't look to novelty. Look to sound doctrine. Become comfortable with sound doctrine. Come to know the power of Christ alone, by grace alone, by faith alone, for the glory of God alone. This knowledge comes by grace through faith. We need to understand these basics, not in the sense of new ideas about the Holy Bible that were not revealed until these last days [sic], but by a solid understanding of these deep doctrinal issues based on serious teachings.
This sermon is timely as we continue to press onto to the mark that is Jesus Christ.
Suffering that bears fruit... A powerful exhortation to fathers. I listened to this purposely on Fathers' Day because I have to discipline my child, and wanted to be focused on Christ as I proceeded into this task.
It's a bit difficult for me to understand the idea of proceeding with discipline from a heart overflowing with love and delight. Yet, I know that this is the right vision of the way a parent should be. I pray that I may proceed in that spirit, blessing my child and carrying on the work of the Lord as it should be carried on.
Thank you for this profound sermon on a much misunderstood area of life.
Great Sermon! This is a great sermon to share with anyone who believes there is something inside him or herself that can lead to salvation and eternity before a holy God. It clearly points out the corrupt nature that lies at the root of the problem, leaving no room for self-righteousness. Very clear biblical message.
Great Sermon! Amen! Thank you for this great sermon
that tells it like it is! This is a must hear sermon....especially for every American living today!
Wonderful Message! Hear this wonderful message and your faith will be greatly increased!
The recent "finding of the lost tomb of Jesus" is discussed.
Nobody Can Hide From God This sermon is a stark reminder that we had better take seriously the Lord's admonition "Judge not lest you be judged." We are too quick to point the finger at the sins of others, and too little aware of our own sinfulness and the need to box humbly before our merciful and gracious God. Pastor VanderMeulen presents this message without rancor as he preaches into our dark and hardened world. Thank you for this ever-timely message.
Christianity is Historical This sermon emphatically denies that the Christian needs to retreat to subjectivism to defend his or her faith.Hedenies the sharp line of distinction drawn by I. Kant between the noumenal and phenomenal world (Kant saying that one can only know the phenomenal, but not know the noumenal world that includes God's existence).
Rather, the Bible is grounded in verbs, adjectives, and nouns when discussing the Lord God Almighty and the great persons of faith. The language of abstraction is not used. The concrete language of history is used. Thus, the reality of Christ is like the reality of the JFK assassination or the Holocaust. It happened. Thus, our faith is a living reality not grounded in subjective needs or feelings, but on lived history as the supernatural revelation of a gracious God intersected with and was revealed in space and time.
The sermon wisely and powerfully reminds us not to give an inch, and not to think for a second that those who challenge the truth of our faith have the objective facts, and we have mere subjectivity. We are even more grounded in historical reality than our accusers. Unfortunately for them and for the world, they are mentally and morally deficient.
Our Corruption is Very Corrupt This is an incredible sermon! Pastor VanderMeulen reveals that God sees that the ages old attempt by believers as well as non-believers to make the invisible God into visible images or idols is linked to the American worship of self. God understands this self=worship for what it is: hatred of him.
Also, he shares his experience working in prison ministry. He found that the prisoners would deflect facing their criminal guilt by saying that some other criminal was more guilty. He reminds us that we are guilty of the same thing regarding our sins. We compare ourselves to others in order to minimize our own sinfulness. Yet, if we are in Christ it behooves us to admit our sins, for indeed we are beloved children of God and HE HAS SHOWN MERCY UPON US! Jesus Christ, our prophet, priest, and king, came and died for us so that we might be lifted up to eternal life in Him and live as new creations.
I have burned 8 CDs for distribution to unsaved co-workers as well as three pastors. Truly, it is a mighty word from the Lord that will be most renewing or salvific for those "who have ears to hear."
Thank you Pastor VanderMeulen.
(It is possible that this comment might be posted twice due to my confusion about the posting process.)
Our Corruption is Very Corrupt This is an incredible sermon! It is rich with so many Biblical ideas and powerful examples. Pastor VanderMeulen links the ages-old attempt by idolators and so-called followers of God to make visible the invisible God through images with our present-day American worship of self. God does not look at us as "kids will be kids" but sees our worship of self for what it is -- hatred of Him. Further, the pastor shares his experience of working in prison ministry. He tells the congregation that the prisoners would deflect full recognition of their crimes by consistently saying that the other guy did worse crimes. Yes, the pastor sees that we are guilty of deflecting the significance of our own sins. He powerfully preaches how we would rather point to the corruptions in other lives than look at the list of vices listed in Romans and see ourselves in that list.
It's such a mighty word from the Lord! I've already burned 8 CD's to give to four Jewish co-workers who have told me they are atheists (I'm a saved Jew myself), my wife's two pastor brothers in the Philippines, another gentleman at work who shares an adjoining office who told me with a great sense of moral superiority [sic] that he is an agnostic, and with a longtime pastor friend who is pentecostal.
Thank you Pastor V.
A Profound and Thought-Provoking Sermon I found this sermon to be profound and thought-provoking. Yes, being faithful in the midst of the mundane is what we are called to be.
Do you have any sermons online on this or similar topics that deal with following a Christian path when dealing with non-Christians in the workplace or neighborhood?
It my great privilege to attend the seminar conducted by Tedd Tripp in Manila a couple of weeks ago. What struck me most is the way he illustrates behavior and heart. Its like a tree with its fruits and roots. Many times we just deal only with the fruits but the real issue is the root which is the heart. Once the heart is change then the behaviour will follow. This seminar on parenting I would say is God-centered and its focus is the glory of God.