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Community Baptist Church of Fargo
Doug VanderMeulen  |  Fargo, North Dakota
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Community Baptist Church of Fargo
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"Great Sermon!"
Jeffrey Ludwig from New York City
As a preacher seeking inspiration for a sermon I shall be preaching next Sunday on Colossians 1: 9-18, I turned to Pastor...
Doug VanderMeulen | Acts
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Sermon10/29/14 9:17 PM
Gisele Noel from New York  Find all comments by Gisele Noel
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Biblical Womanhood
Doug VanderMeulen
“ Mistitled ”
Good sermon but instead of being on the topic of womanhood & what it means to be a woman in Christ, it was a message about biblical marriage. I appreciated that the message was balanced in that it addressed roles both husband & wives. However, if I understood the teaching correctly, it's my opinion that the spiritual responsibility of the head of the house was overstated. Authority has no role in salvation (Ezekiel 18:20 & Galatians 3:28) & if a man is accountable for the spiritual welfare of his house, that responsibility is to wash with the word (Ephesians 5:26). Lastly, while I am a woman w/a big mouth, I personally think the nagging proverbs are not restricted to wives but also apply to the bride of Christ or the church that grumbles against God which I see as an important point especially on this topic.

Sermon7/27/14 6:21 PM
Jeri Tanner from United States  Contact via emailFind all comments by Jeri Tanner
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“ Amen ”
Thank you, Pastor Williamson. I am praying with you for a revival and return to the "old paths" of singing the Psalms in worship. I deeply appreciate what you've shared here and will be sharing it with others. God bless you!

Sermon5/12/14 8:17 PM
Janine from Louisiana  Contact via emailFind all comments by Janine
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The Sovereignty Of God
Jerry Bridges
“ Great Sermon! ”
Very good. Thank you. And have really appreciated your books through the years.

Sermon5/11/14 9:04 PM
Mommy Day  Find all comments by Mommy Day
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The Sovereignty Of God
Jerry Bridges
“ Great Sermon! ”
Great sermon even though not what we want to hear sometimes :)

Sermon2/11/14 3:11 AM
Janine Elizabeth from Louisiana  Contact via emailFind all comments by Janine Elizabeth
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“ Great Sermon! ”
I have to admit I've been really ignorant of this. Listening to this I feel like I've been like an ostrich. But hearing this, being brought into this knowledge, (tho feels painful), but brings me closer to an understanding of my brain fog when I question, "what in the world is happening to my country?"

Sermon2/10/14 5:24 PM
SuzAnn from NorCal  Find all comments by SuzAnn
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you for this excellent and profoundly honest presentation of post modernism. Dr Grier has "hit the mark" on describing where we have been and are going and this presentation took place in 2005! How much further we have come to see all he has said "unfold" before our eyes!

Sermon2/10/14 1:28 AM
Samantha M from Georgia  Find all comments by Samantha M
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Conflict Of Worldviews In America
Dr. James Grier
“ Excellent Message! ”

Sermon2/10/14 12:37 AM
Janine Elizabeth from Louisiana  Contact via emailFind all comments by Janine Elizabeth
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Conflict Of Worldviews In America
Dr. James Grier
“ Great Sermon! ”
This is very Enlightening. Really gotta chew the cud on this. I must say tho that I think I better understand my daughter and why she rejects my world view even tho I raised her and homeschooled her in Christian beliefs and values. God have mercy.

Sermon2/9/14 9:53 PM
Floridahank from Deerfield Beach, Florida  Find all comments by Floridahank
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Conflict Of Worldviews In America
Dr. James Grier
“ Insightful Sermon! ”
Dr. Grier does an excellent job in giving a broad overview of the coming changes in our country as post-modernism, globalization, multi-culturialism begin to make their influences felt. His analysis shows a frightening prediction that our Christianity is in for much persecution and a major crisis in the word Of God being preached from now on. This teaching is worth a second listening to get the deeper understanding of our future.

Sermon1/26/14 9:40 PM
Jeff Ludwig from Brooklyn, NY  Find all comments by Jeff Ludwig
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“ We Are All Sinners ”
I visited a Filipino church today (my wife is Filipino) called Brooklyn Evangelical Church. The pastor proclaimed or delivered a wonderful message on Romans 9:30-33. It was more than unusual in New York City to hear a message that not only preached salvation through faith as opposed to works, but included divine election, justification, sanctification, and the doctrine of Christ being 100% human and 100% divine in one personality. I was so surprised, encouraged, and rejoicing the entire day since the service. Fast forward to tonight when I listened to this sermon by Pastor Doug whose sermons have enlightened me and encouraged me for many years. He preached on the contrast between the prayer of the Pharisee and the prayer of the publican, not running away from, but rubbing our noses into, the sinful tendency towards hypocrisy that may and does lie in our hearts. This very same contrast was in the sermon I heard this morning, but it was only a small part of that sermon. Don't you think the Lord is saying something to me that I need to hear? Am I more like the Pharisee or the publican? I better find out, and soon. It seems I already know the answer, and I will repent. Thank you for being so strongly used by the Lord Pastor Doug.

Sermon12/7/13 7:53 PM
Jeff Ludwig from New York City  Find all comments by Jeff Ludwig
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A Dragnet - Matthew 13:44-53
Doug VanderMeulen
“ Real Reasons For Hope In This Evil Age ”
This sermon should encourage every born again believer who hears it, and should draw every unbeliever to repentance for his or her sins. But the sermon by Pastor Doug is mainly aimed, I believe, for born again believers like myself who sometimes are overwhelmed and discouraged by the ungodly, unjust, and downright depraved and unconscionable actions of our present period of history. Pastor Doug warns us not to expect these wrongdoings to just go away. He tells us that good and evil will exist side by side, possibly for a long time. However, Almighty God, the Ultimate Fisher of Men, is casting out a net drawing all of his creation ("fishes") to himself, and once the net is full, there will be an emptying of the "net". Some will go to glory to worship him forever, and (based on Matthew XXV) others will go to "eternal fire" to experience the fire that cannot be quenched. We who are in the Lord have the privilege of access to the throne of grace, as well as the promise and substance of eternal life with Him. We pray with thanksgiving for the gift of eternal life with the Lamb that has been freely given us through no merit of our own. Jesus will return to take the Church into the presence of the Father. The sermon ends with a passionate crescendo of encouragement.

Sermon11/21/13 1:43 PM
Pastor Gary Fitzpatrick from Lavaca, Arkansas  Find all comments by Pastor Gary Fitzpatrick
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Praying In The Holy Spirit - Jude 20
Doug VanderMeulen
“ Great Sermon! ”
Enjoyed The Word. Thanks

Sermon9/19/13 8:55 PM
Jeff Ludwig from New York  Find all comments by Jeff Ludwig
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“ Gratitude Should be Our Daily Diet ”
Pastor Doug's sermon focuses on gratitude as the sina qua non of growing in faith. This sermon also shares that the Bible does not make a distinction between believing 'based on facts' and faith based on nothing that is provable. Rather the Hebrew, Greek and Latin do not have a sharp dichotomy between faith and belief the way the atheists in our universities do, or the way Webster's dictionary does. Rather, we have faith in a person, the person of Jesus Christ who has been revealed to us through the Word of God. Although Ptr. Doug does not add this point, I will: namely, our language itself is skewed towards atheism by allowing that distinction between belief and faith. I was encouraged by these points and many others in this sermon. We are sinners saved by grace. Do you realize, my dear brothers and sisters in Christ, that we are still sinners, that we can and do experience "drift" away from the things of God, and that we need to be vigilant for this...otherwise, we will be "led" into temptation and not be delivered from evil thoughts and acts. Blessings to all.

Sermon7/23/13 12:54 AM
Rayna Kay Bartley from Hot Springs, Arkansas  Contact via emailFind all comments by Rayna Kay Bartley
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Great Sermon. Truly enjoyed listening and learning how we are to trust God in the darkest of times. We do not understand the ways of God, but we are to walk by faith and not by what we see. How true this fact is for the Christian. God will care for His people. Yes, may God remember His great mercy to us. Thank you so much for this sermon.

Sermon7/18/13 10:40 AM
tristan from Perth  Contact via emailFind all comments by tristan
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“ Great Sermon! ”

Sermon7/18/13 8:10 AM
jumpqbert from Usa  Find all comments by jumpqbert
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The Wisdom Of God
Jerry Bridges
“ Just, wow. ”
This is author Jerry Bridges. Very gifted in his speaking and writing. He makes this topic very simple. So plain that you can't miss what God is saying: He is love, He is sovereign, and He is wisdom. We can and we must trust God in all these.

Sermon5/3/13 4:30 PM
Jeff Ludwig from Brooklyn, NY  Find all comments by Jeff Ludwig
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“ Our Bodies Are Not Our Own ”
Over the past 25 years since I have been a born again believer in Jesus Christ, I do not recall hearing a sermon about the "body as a temple of the Holy Spirit." Imagine, we are living in a sexualized society where lust is given a top priority and the fulfilling of our sexual lusts is typically deemed normal, appropriate, and, in fact, healthy. As Pastor Doug puts it, "all of life is about me expressing myself." Or, at another point, "It's all about me...." Yet, we should FLEE from sexual immorality. We should be making God attractive in our bodies and our souls. This sermon tells us why we must cleave to sexual morality. If we don't we are tearing up the body of Jesus Christ to whom and with whom we are united. Please listen to this strengthened to become strengthened in your purity, and to live in such a way that you have no master in your life except Jesus Christ.

Sermon4/30/13 5:44 PM
Jeff Ludwig from Brooklyn, NY  Find all comments by Jeff Ludwig
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Christ's Presence - Hebrews 2:12
Doug VanderMeulen
“ Gratitude for Christ Who Speaks Through the Spirit ”
Who does not need to hear this sermon? The preacher is preaching the revelation of the Trinity through the Son Jesus Christ and in the Spirit. One important point that really grabbed hold of me is that we do not ascend to God through the Word, but He descends to us. Yes, we become more godly and righteous through the Word, but at bottom the Word of God is not first and foremost a manual for righteous living, but a revelation of God to our hearts and minds, a redeeming and transforming revelation. He descends to us that we may be made conformable that that which is the acceptable, good, and perfect will of God. It's not like a Gnostic initiation into the mysteries of God, but a revelation of God's love that is available to all, but especially to the elect of God who gather together in overflowing gratitude. Please recommend this sermon to your unsaved friends and associates so they may hear and believe and be saved. And recommend this sermon, as I will, to your Christian friends and relatives so they will be humbled or encouraged or more grateful for all that Jesus has accomplished and is continuing to accomplish in their lives.

Sermon2/13/13 7:12 PM
Jeff Ludwig from New York City  Find all comments by Jeff Ludwig
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“ Great Sermon! ”
To continue the first part of my comment.... the Islamacists my prove to be the False Prophet as I am perceiving more and more the identity between the interests of the Leftist Statists and the Islamacists, both inspired Satanic enemies of the Living God. A good discussion of this weird alliance between the Left and the Islamacists can be found in a book by Jamie Glazov entitled United In Hate, and this view is supported by many articles on the website www.FrontPageMag.com. However, it should be noted that this website nor the book brings in the Biblical dimension of the Satanic enmity against Christ that is so important to our understanding of this subject. Also, I wanted to say that I was quite heartened to hear Pastor Doug state that we are sealed against the days of evil. Those days he notes are upon us as we live in an "evil age," but more terrible events may be ahead. The very fact that Pastor Doug is preaching on Revelation recently is, I find, very sobering in itself. And I want to express my deep sadness at the advances of the Statists in our own beloved USA, and am disturbed at the Leftist bilge that is being pushed with such great zeal in our country.

Sermon2/13/13 7:02 PM
Jeff Ludwig from New York City  Find all comments by Jeff Ludwig
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“ We Are Called To Tremendous Maturity in Our Faith ”
At one time I enjoyed spending my time trying to figure out who was the Beast, who was the False Prophet, etc. etc. During that period I learned that many reformation prelates identified the Antichrist as the Papacy itself. Pastor Doug suggests, if I understand him correctly, that government that to one degree or another places itself before Christ and projects itself as "Savior", with this or that "leader" or "messiah" in charge of that government is the Beast or the Antichrist. Our challenge as Christians is to continue to respect our governments and leaders, but never to allow that respect to supplant our fundamental TRUST in our dear Christ. We are, then, called to walk a pretty fine line. So, to go back -- what about this view contrasted with the view that the Popes are antichrists and the False Prophet is Muhammed, which identities appear in a lot of the literature on this subject? However, right now, for various reasons I don't have space to go into, I would scrap the idea of the papacy as the Beast or Antichrist, and would replace that with the State and its various self-appointed Messiah's as the antichrists (perhaps leading, as Doug suggests, to "the mother of all Antichrists"), but it seems that the Islamacists may turn out to provide us with the False Prophet, working

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