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Community Baptist Church of Fargo
Doug VanderMeulen  |  Fargo, North Dakota
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Community Baptist Church of Fargo
3535 SW 25th Street
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"Great Sermon!"
Jeffrey Ludwig from Brooklyn, NY
This sermon was delivered with unusual passion and intensity. It deserves this treatment because Christian biblical commitments...
Doug VanderMeulen | Acts
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Sermon7/23/09 3:59 PM
Jeff Ludwig from Brooklyn, NY  Find all comments by Jeff Ludwig
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When Christians Disagree - Romans 14
Doug VanderMeulen
“ To Fight or Not To Fight? ”
This is a deep, thought-provoking sermon about when to "fight" against certain practices as being un-Biblical, and when to accept those practices that are not our own though practiced by another professing Christian. Pastor Doug tells us that we need to seek a balance. Sometimes we need to oppose certain practices because accepting those practices would do a disservice to sound doctrine. Other times, the difference in practice simply amounts to respect of different individuals within the Christian faith-walk. It's a great topic, and one that came up more often for me during the first five to ten years after I was born again. 1.Can a Christian even touch alcoholic beverages? 2.Should I as a born again Jew worship the Lord on Friday night, Saturday, or Sunday? 3.Is it legitimate to listen to all different types of music? 4.Is a Jewish believer obligated to keep the rules of kosher eating? 5.To what extent can one rise in business or the corporate ladder and still retain one's integrity? 6.Is it Biblical for a Christian woman to wear a bikini to a pool party? Is it Biblical for my Christian friend to take a non-Christian woman friend to a pool party where she wore a bikini? (To be continued in a second comment....)

Sermon4/16/09 6:28 PM
Robert from New Jersey  Contact via emailFind all comments by Robert
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“ Great Sermon! ”
AMEN...! Thank you for this wonderful, timely message! People really need to hear this one!

Sermon2/20/09 10:35 PM
Jeff Ludwig, from Brooklyn, NY  Find all comments by Jeff Ludwig,
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“ A Needed Antidote to Fear ”
This is a wonderful, heartening sermon on the accountability of those in authority. Pastor Doug reminds us that all our Presidents will be buried. They will be judged by Almighty God just as all souls who have any authority ... teachers, parents, employers, etc. He ends the sermon passionately directing our hearts and minds to think about our certain, unchanging, secure, and abounding God. Suddenly a vision of the fixedness of God, of His strength, stability, and reliability encourages us. If we are apprehensive of any political leaders, our great God is Who He Is(remember: "I Am Who Am"?). I was inspired and more than hopeful after listening to this sermon, and the follow-up sermon on the coming crisis amplified the theme of this message, and I also recommend it. (P.S. Before writing this comment I watched a brief video of Oprah announcing that all is consciousness and we live not by belief but by feelings. Wow! It's on YouTube. Dear Brothers and Sisters, let's listen to the Word of God as preached by Pastor Doug and remain steadfast in the Word and the Promises of Almighty God. We were redeemed for a purpose and that purpose as we read in the Westminster Shorter Catechism is to glorify Him and enjoy Him forever. Amen.

Sermon1/31/09 12:17 PM
Jeff Ludwig from Brooklyn, NY  Find all comments by Jeff Ludwig
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“ Back To Basics! Jesus Christ is not a socialist! ”
This semon by C. Rauser should be included in every economics 101 course in the USA. The Biblical basis for understanding money, ownership, productivity, competition, and profit are all sketched out. Mr. Rauser makes it clear that, properly understood, all these elements of the economic life of our country are encouraged and upheld by the Word of God. As a high school teacher in a large public high school in NYC, I meet a lot of teachers who are liberals-verging-on-socialism and some who are outspoken communists. This sermon will help me and others stay focused on truth, and stay away from class warfare and a rejection of capitalism. Mr. Rauser speaks about the importance of money in our economic system. Studying the life of A. Lincoln, I can't forget how changed his life was by his first encounter with the money economy (he lived in a barter economy during his early years). He saw opportunities for personal growth and service that he never imagined for himself before he became aware of the significance of money. Thank you for this excellent and timely sermon!

Sermon1/29/09 4:31 PM
Jeff Ludwig from Brooklyn, NY  Find all comments by Jeff Ludwig
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Be Transformed - Romans 12:1-2
Doug VanderMeulen
“ A Passionate Sermon Part II ”
Thus, we are called to continuous repentance, and the Lord God Almighty sanctifies us. As we repent of our worldliness, our great and merciful God through His Son Jesus Christ does a work in us so we may not be Golden Calf worshippers (worldliness), but true worshippers of the living triune God. I am leaving my computer now and will travel home on the subway, but I am going in a spirit of repentance for my worldliness and with the earnest faith that the Lord God Almighty will complete the work in me that He has begun. It is also my intention to burn this sermon onto a few CDs and distribute them as I have with many other of Pastor Doug's sermons during the past few years.

Sermon1/29/09 4:25 PM
Jeff Ludwig from Brooklyn, NY  Find all comments by Jeff Ludwig
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Be Transformed - Romans 12:1-2
Doug VanderMeulen
“ A Passionate Sermon - Part I ”
Earlier today I was studying the web site of the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals. I was struck again, as I have been many times, with their strong emphasis on repenting of our worldliness as Christians. That really gives us something to think about and do, does it not? Later in the day, I felt an insistent call and need to listen to one of Pastor Doug's sermons. I tuned into "Be Transformed," a sermon based on Romans 12:1-2. I sat glued to my desk chair, soaking in every word.Certainly, if you enjoy listening to Pastor Doug's sermons this one ranks among the most passionately delivered. One can hear in the tone as well as the words that the theme of this sermon is one that he cares about with every ounce of energy in him, in every cell in his body. So many points are made they I won't comment on all, but one stands out: namely, it is so easy to look "good" in this dark and fallen world, this evil age. (By the way, how often do you hear preachers refer to our age as an "evil age?" My comment: "the truth will set us free.") The age is so dark that even a little righteousness seems to shine with brilliance. Yet, Pastor Doug stresses that even the "good Christian" is immersed in a life colored and textured and imprinted by worldliness.

Sermon1/2/09 2:24 PM
Jon Cardwell from Anniston, Alabama  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by Jon Cardwell
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“ Excellent Message! ”
Truly an excellent exegisis of this text and an outstanding perspective of what our christianity should be at large, and what our persective should be of the church in particular.

Sermon12/19/08 2:37 AM
Florin Motiu from Oradea, Romania  Contact via emailFind all comments by Florin Motiu
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The Love Of God
Jerry Bridges
“ Great encouragement. ”
Great encouragement from Isaiah 49:14,15 - God will never forget us, will never leave us. We must trust in His promises in His Word, not in our subjective feelings. We can do that by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Sermon12/9/08 7:06 PM
DJC49 from Florida  Contact via emailFind all comments by DJC49
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“ Excellent Sermon! ”
Even the amillennialists among us will agree that this sermon brings out a very interesting and edifying point concerning Israel's future vis-a-vis the Church. God ALWAYS does much greater and wonderfully than we ever could imagine!

Sermon12/9/08 10:29 AM
Robert from New Jersey  Contact via emailFind all comments by Robert
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Amen! Be sure to hear this wonderful message! Yes, let God's elect church be the church, and let the redeemed of the Lord say so! (The Lord knoweth them that are His!)... This sermon was a comfort for me to hear in these troubled times...(For such a time as this)...I am glad that these inspirational messages are being heard all over the world!

Sermon11/21/08 3:43 PM
Jeff Ludwig from Brooklyn  Find all comments by Jeff Ludwig
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A Call To Confidence - Psalm 108
Doug VanderMeulen
“ Hear This And Be Uplifted! ”
"Deep worship begins with a deep understanding of who He is...." This statement from this sermon resonates with the power of God to comfort and to know the True Source of that comfort. I have felt like a "dry Christian" for about six months now, and especially since the Presidential election results. Today, I returned to my desk at the end of my workday, and determined to listen to a sermon by Pastor Doug. I selected this sermon, and truly The Comforter was guiding me. This sermon will help anyone overcome dryness and a sense of frustration with his or her Christian walk. If you can only spare 15 minutes to listen to part of this sermon, it will be a special time you won't regret.

Sermon10/29/08 2:26 PM
Robert from New Jersey  Contact via emailFind all comments by Robert
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“ Hallelujah...! ”
Hallelujah! Thank the Lord for the one true Gospel that eternally saves the soul!

Sermon10/29/08 9:46 AM
Robert from New Jersey  Contact via emailFind all comments by Robert
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Grace, Not Race - Romans 9:1-13
Doug VanderMeulen
“ Great Sermon! ”
Great message with a unique title besides! Much truth found here for your listening! He that hath ears to hear, let him hear!

Sermon10/28/08 5:45 PM
Robert from New Jersey  Contact via emailFind all comments by Robert
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Amen! Be sure to hear this great message from Romans chapter nine!

Sermon10/28/08 5:18 PM
Robert from New Jersey  Contact via emailFind all comments by Robert
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Amen! Wonderful message! Be sure to hear this one!

Sermon10/28/08 4:18 PM
Robert from New Jersey  Contact via emailFind all comments by Robert
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God Is For Us - Romans 8:31-39
Doug VanderMeulen
“ Great Sermon! ”
Amen! Hear this wonderful message about true biblical Christian assurance from Romans chapter eight! Yes, our eternal salvation is of the Lord!

Sermon9/6/08 7:42 PM
Jeff Ludwig from Brooklyn, NY  Find all comments by Jeff Ludwig
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“ Great Sermon! Deeper Than Deep ”
This is the first of a series on sanctification by Pastor Doug. It should be required listening in seminaries across the land. I took many notes on the first sermon, but the ideas were coming so quickly in the third that I could only sit quietly and give the Lord thanks and praise. At the same time as i was listening to these sermons, I was taking a mini-course on Biblical Counseling and Sanctification at the NY School of the Bible. We used Jay Adams' short volume Growing By Grace as our textbook. I found it to be a good complement reading to go along with the sermon series.

Sermon8/26/08 10:15 AM
Robert from New Jersey  Contact via emailFind all comments by Robert
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Amen! Great message! It is never "too late" to learn the true gospel, but I sure wish I could have heard good sovereign grace preaching like this 50 years ago!

Sermon8/24/08 12:46 PM
Robert from New Jersey  Contact via emailFind all comments by Robert
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The Adoption As Sons - Romans 8:15
Doug VanderMeulen
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you for these wonderful messages from Romans!

Sermon6/8/08 10:55 PM
Jeff Ludwig from Brooklyn, NY  Find all comments by Jeff Ludwig
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In The Spirit - Romans 8:9-14
Doug VanderMeulen
“ Great Sermon! In The Spirit Comment Part III ”
but they do not see their own odiousness on account of sin; they do not see the hateful nature of sin; a sense of this is given in evangelical humiliation by a discovery of the beauty of God’s holiness and moral perfection….In a legal humiliation men are made sensible that they are little and nothing before the great and terrible God…but they have not an answerable frame of heart, consisting in a disposition to abase themselves, and exalt God alone.” I hope it is not overstating the case to say that this reading was an answered prayer, and that there is a real affinity between what Pastor Doug preached and the explanation of “evangelical humiliation” described in Edwards’ book. It was a great subway ride, and, amazingly, when the guest preacher began preaching he main theme was the need for – you guessed it – a change of perspective. Yet, he didn’t touch on this theme of living in the spirit at all, but stayed with the idea of doing good works by exercising our gift of helps or gift of hospitality. When we come to the communion of the Lord’s Supper, we are called upon to examine ourselves. Do we ask ourselves whether we are advancing in our faith by meeting the behavioral requirements of Christianity, or are we trusting in the spirit in “evangelical humiliation?”

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