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Calvary Memorial Church
Pastor Charles Garrison  |  Southern Pines, North Carolina
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Calvary Memorial Church
400 S Bennett St
Southern Pines NC 28387
Calvary Memorial Church
400 S Bennett St
Southern Pines NC 28387
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"True Bible Teaching"
A bold and needed message for this time and all times.
Pastor Kent Kelly | Studies In 2 Peter
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Sermon1/25/07 1:28 AM
Jerry from California  Find all comments by Jerry
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Rock & Roll Music
Pastor Kent Kelly
“ Great Sermon! ”
An excellent sermon on how the demonic power of rock music consumes and drives teenagers. Pastor Kelly correctly points out that Rock-n-Roll music is a religion.

Sermon12/27/06 2:46 PM
Mike Marshall from New Zealand  Contact via emailFind all comments by Mike Marshall
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Beware Of TULIP Theology
Jim Ollis
“ Great Sermon! ”
When I saw the title of the sermon, I was very interested to listen to it. Past Ollis obviously has a heart for the truths of God's word but may not have thought through what he was teaching to all out there. "TULIP", biblically puts God in His rightful place and man in his. If our brother were to take those truths, one for one and honestly look at the Scriptures he will find them there. (God glorifying and man abasing.) His statements on Augustine where not well researched and may be good for him to read up more on church history. Titles will always be given to people, Past Ollis, for instance calls himself a "biblicist" I pray that this title will encourage our brother to teach the whole council of God's word as it is found there.

Sermon12/26/06 11:19 PM
Jeremy White from West End  Find all comments by Jeremy White
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Beware Of TULIP Theology
Jim Ollis
“ Touchy Subject, But Absolutly Correct ”
Brother OLLIS has touched on a subject that I myself have been interested in. He is correct in his study on Calvanism. As in the message, God died for ALL. His will is for all men to know Him and that none should perish. In the verses that talk about predestination,(ex. Roman 8:29,30) most people misread. I believe the meaning of those verses is... God's purpose for man was not an afterthought. It was settled before the foundation of the world. That was God's purpose and if you have believed on Him, You can rejoice knowing that you are eternally HIS

Sermon12/26/06 10:27 PM
Anthony Moody from Kingsport, Tennessee  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by Anthony Moody
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Beware Of TULIP Theology
Jim Ollis
“ A Vital Contemporary Question ”
I believe that A.W. Pink addresses this sermon best: "It is our deep conviction that the vital question most requiring to be raised today is this: Is man a totally and thoroughly depraved creature by nature? Does he enter the world completely ruined and helpless, spiritually blind and dead in trespasses and sins? According as is our answer to that question, so will be our views on many others. It is on the basis of this dark background that the whole Bible proceeds. Any attempt to modify or abate, repudiate or tone down the teaching of Scripture on the matter is fatal. Put the question in another form: Is man now in such a condition that he cannot be saved without the special and direct intervention of the triune God on his behalf? In other words, is there any hope for him apart from his personal election by the Father, his particular redemption by the Son, and the supernatural operations of the Spirit within him? Or, putting it in still another way: If man is a totally depraved being, can he possibly take the first step in the matter of his return to God?" Before Adam rebelled in the garden, the lie of the serpent to the woman was "you won't die", since that fatal deception, he continues this same lie..... "your not dead".

Sermon12/26/06 4:32 PM
Michael Hranek from Endicott, New York  Find all comments by Michael Hranek
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Beware Of TULIP Theology
Jim Ollis
“ Good Job Handling a Sensitive Topic With Truth ”
I appreciate Bro. Jim Ollis's message.

Sermon12/24/06 7:17 PM
WT Pressley from Wheaton, Illinois  Find all comments by WT Pressley
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Beware Of TULIP Theology
Jim Ollis
“ A Misleading Sermon - Part 1 ”
Sadly, Rev. Ollis has done what so many critics of Calvinism do: they misrepresent Calvinism; refute that misrepresentation; and then claim victory. While I am sure that Rev. Ollis loves the Lord Jesus and certainly means well, he has misrepresented John Calvin; he has misrepresented St. Augustine; and he has misrepresented the testimony of Holy Scripture. Although he admits that time constraints prevent him from giving a comprehensive presentation of Calvinism, which is understandable, his need for brevity gives him absolutely no warrant to put forward these falsehoods. (continued in Part 2)

Sermon12/24/06 2:50 PM
Louis Anthony Melendez from Commonwealth of Puerto Rico  Contact via emailFind all comments by Louis Anthony Melendez
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Beware Of TULIP Theology
Jim Ollis
“ Great Sermon! ”
First of all, I commend brother Ollis' sincere approach to teach what the Scriptures say. However, what he is refuting is a caricature of Calvinism. True Calvinists recognise God's Sovereign Will (aka. He chooses whom He will save) and His Preceptive will (aka. He desires that all men be saved). He also confuses the Biblical concept of foreknowledge (God personally chooses some people to love them, before they are born) with foresight (When God already knows what is going to happen because He is in sovereign control of all things). The Bible uses two different words for these two words. The Bible says that God draws all (the Greek doesn't say "all men") to Himself. Does God draw everyone without exception? If so, everyone would be saved, since the word "draw" in the Greek literally means "to drag." The truth is that John 12:32 is teaching that God draws all kinds of men to himself (Gentiles, Jews, etc..) How do we know this? By the context, we see that the Greeks wanted to see Jesus. Jesus said that after He died, all kinds of men would be drawn to Him. Let us then, listen to this sermon with discernment, for the sake of God's gospel and the doctrines of grace. - LA. Melendez

Sermon12/23/06 9:56 AM
Alan from Ulster  Contact via emailFind all comments by Alan
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Beware Of TULIP Theology
Jim Ollis
“ Thought provoking ”
Thought provoking, yes. We must always take the Bible as our only authority for faith. The thing is I do not think his refutation of Calvinism is correct. Like The Trinity they are both found in the Bible although not directly stated.

Sermon12/22/06 6:17 PM
wendy from New Jersey  Contact via emailFind all comments by wendy
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Beware Of TULIP Theology
Jim Ollis
“ Thought provoking ”
I would recommend this sermon for not only an interesting look at TULIP (that goes against the grain of readily accepting the tenets), but also as a serious reminder that we must hold the Bible as the only authority for faith and life. I am not a learned scholar on calvin or augustine, but I did recognize how doctrine that I've ingested/accepted has come from these men, and I'm left thinking about it seriously, because this sermon presents a view on where the calvinistic doctrine reaches beyond a Biblical conclusion...therefore I am seriously encouraged to be more 'Berean-like' and search the Scriptures daily for not just enrichment/edification but correction and reproof.

Sermon10/19/06 9:48 AM
George Gullickson from Kuwait  Contact via email
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Love is of God
Pastor Kent Kelly
“ The truth about Love ”
What does the Bible say about Biblical love, listen to this sermon and see if you can understand a great spiritual truth. Love is not usually preached like this.

Sermon10/18/06 9:28 AM
George Gullickson from Kuwait  Contact via email
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Paul, A New Man
Pastor Charles Garrison
“ Must Hear sermon!! ”
I am half way through my second year here in desert of Kuwait; I have searched my soul over and over to discover why I was sent here. It’s not just for the job to serve our troops here. I was sent here to lose my life in Christ! Dear, readers please with prayful attitude listen to this sermon. This sermon will challenge you. Thanks Brother Charles, may God bless this teaching to those that have an ear hear and answer the call. See you all soon George G.

Sermon10/18/06 7:45 AM
George Gullickson from Kuwait  Contact via email
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“ Great Sermon! ”
What is truth? has been asking this question since from he beginning. God so loved the world that He sent Truth, (His son)….and we crucified Him. But ye (We) can do nothing against the truth, so he rose again according to scripture and truth lives for evermore!.... I encourage you to listen to this Sunday school lesson and find the answer to “What is truth?”…, Do you know Him, can you tell someone that might ask you this question? The world is rejecting the answer to the question, and would rather believe in a lie. How wonderful is the light of Gods Word that cannot change. May God bless this lesson to the encouragement of His people! John 14:6

Sermon10/13/06 12:36 AM
George Gullickson from Kuwait  Contact via email
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The Fall Of Man
Pastor Kent Kelly
“ Learn about dead men walking ”
Listen to this sermon, to learn about dead man walking. Pastor Kelly makes the following statement “If you are not thirsting and hungering for the water of the word of God you are dead” Does this describe you? Look upon the Savoir and live!

Sermon10/13/06 12:15 AM
George Gullickson from Kuwait  Contact via email
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“ Very Important doctrinal teaching ”
The sermons in this series are a survey of the fundamentals of the Christian faith. Based in the word of God, every new Christian and serious student of the Bible will find the information presented here to be of vital interest. This kind of preaching is rare in this day and age. I highly recommend you take good notes and follow along in the Bible and receive in yourself wisdom and understanding in the doctrine of Christian faith. May God bless you and strengthen your walk because you have taken time to listen to these presentations

Sermon10/7/06 3:10 AM
George Gullickson from Kuwait  Contact via email
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God The Son
Pastor Kent Kelly
“ Back to basics!! ”
Pastor Kelly with power and help of the Holy Spirit explains the almost unexplainable, the Humanity and Deity of the Son of God. The teaching on the fundamentals of the faith seem almost lost in this day and age of relativism, and no sacrifice Christianity, I highly recommend this series of studies on the fundamentals of the faith to every serious Christian.

Sermon10/5/06 1:58 PM
George Gullickson from Kuwait  Contact via email
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“ A very needful sermon ”
Brother Jim Ollis delivers a powerful reminder of our coming appointment with our Lord and Savior at the Judgment Seat of Christ. Many of us talk glibly about seeing our Lord in the soon coming Rapture, but have you given much thought of how you lived your life for Christ? Are you ready to talk face to face with the Lord, are you ready to give a full account of your stewardship. We are running out of time to make our lives count for eternity….sermons like this are very needful in these "Times of the Signs. Thanks Brother Jim for this very convicting message George G. In Kuwait

Sermon9/20/06 12:28 AM
George Gullickson from Kuwait  Contact via email
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The Power of Secret Sin
Pastor Kent Kelly
“ A lesson for all serious Christians!! ”
In the light of the terrible corruption in this present world, this sermon may address one of the most important issues of our time. With the onslaught of pornography, and liberalism that has invaded Christianity of late we really need to examine ourselves to see how we stand in this late hour. This sermon is a must hear for every Christian that is serious about his/her walk in the Lord. This sermon also addresses the exact reason why many Christian Churches have become so weak, when now is the time for the Lords people to be standing in strength and not fainting in the time of battle.

Sermon9/19/06 8:04 PM
Jim spannagel from NEW HAMPTON, NEW YORK  
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“ Great Sermon! ”
When you think this was preached back in 1975 it makes you weep for it's truth, for it speaks of today! Thank God for men like Pastor Kelly who have a true love of Christ and His Word, he is unashamed to be called "A Fundamentalist" No compromise here.

Sermon8/7/06 7:54 PM
A believer  
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Hezbollah and the Davidic Covenant
Pastor Emeritus Dan Carr
“ Israel needs Christ ”
Israel is no more different than any of the other Godless nations of the world. Israel, Hezbollah share one thing in common, they both are christ-rejectors. Israel must come through the father just as Hezbollah must. You reject the son, you reject the father. The father rejects you.

Sermon4/9/06 7:33 PM
Daniel Lee Ford from Spring Arbor,Mich.  
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A Defense Of The King James Version
Pastor Kent Kelly
“ A Blast from the Past! Classic! ”
This is the teaching I heard as a new convert : succint, clear, overview. Still stands out as a great sermon!

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