Great Sermon! A very convicting and important message for all Christians and those searching for Truth. Every little thing we say, do and think is our testimony before God and man.
The Supreme Court Decision and what it means Please take time and listen carefully to this sermon, as it compares what happened in Egypt in Josephs day, and what it means to America in this day.
Has America lost her freedom, by ruling of the Supreme Court..the power to tax!
This sermon could change your life forever! I highly recommend that you get totally alone, turn off all communications and for the next 61 minutes listen to this sermon.
It is so important that every serious Christian, Pastor and church elders alike need to pray and listen, and then do.
"Create in me a clean heart my father, and renew a right spirit within me"
Great Sermon! Every Christian, every Christian young person...needs to listen to this sermon and fully understand the authority for why we as serious followers of God believe what we believe when it comes to world issues.
Great Sermon! I agree with the first commentator about our secular education is this country...Public education system is all about humanism...Amen!
Attention all Christians!! I hope you will take the time to listen and evaluate this sermon. If you can understand the ramifications of secular humanist teaching, then you may discover what has happened to America. If you are a mom or dad, and you want to obey the direct teaching of scripture you need to listen to this, and then pray about what you should do before the Lord.
You think you know God, how sure are you?? This is a hard sermon. I recommend that you get alone and listen to this teaching. The world is almost out of time, and you don't want to get this wrong. If you were wrong about your salvation, would you want to know?
Very timely Please take the time to listen to this sermon, I think it about nails the currant situation with Israel, USA, and the was fortold 4 thousand a years ago....
Great Sermon! I have listen to the men at Calvary Memorial Church for 34 years and I can say they are the “Seal Team 6” when it comes to preaching The Word of God