Great Sermon! Brother Creech, wonderful sermon! I firmly believe the Word supports the existence of eternal life for all the creatures our God created in Genesis. As you stated, animals are innocent as compared to man. Could you elaborate on the Ecclesiastical text on where the eternal life of the creature is after death. Is their spirit in heaven or elsewhere until the recreation of the new heaven and earth? I don’t understand why the text refers to “down” versus up. Our Lord’s Kingdom is so immense that our little minds cannot comprehend the greatness of His new creation. I appreciate you presenting your Holy Spirit led sermon on this topic.
The World Needs The Truth The world of today seems to want anything BUT the Truth. However, it is what people need the most. The Truth may hurt, it may cause stress and may make people uncomfortable but it must be told. Have the courage to face it.
Trusting Him Peace at any price is no peace at all. Inner peace is what Jesus brought us. Pastor Kelly covered the subject of true peace very well. The closer you draw to God the more you will see conflict but He will give you peace.
Magnificent!! A message full of Truth. Splendid, tremendous, relevant, bold. life changing, accurate, needed now more than ever before. This pastor is in heaven and he gave this message over 30 years ago but it describes exactly the world of today. Please listen.
Great Sermon! I loved your About Us statement and the strong statement just below it. I also loved that the children are so blessed to be so.sheltered from all the ungodly lessons and inappropriate teachings that have become the curriculum in schools now. I sure wish that I lived in your vicinity. I would be in attendance whenever there were any services going on. God's richest blessings to the Pastor and all the blessed members of this congregation. It's okay if you all would pray for me. Thank you so much. Sister EF. Again, thank you.
Valuable! In his trademark bold style Pastor Kelly explained the differences between correct division and wrong division according to the Bible. The pastor did not hold back but covered the subject well. He explains why "Peace at any price" is not the right way for Christians to operate.
A Cure for Itching Ears A perfect and clear explanation of the itching ears of today who won't endure sound doctrine. Even though this sermon was given in 1998, it is exactly spot on correct about the world in 2022. The messengers of the real truth are being attacked and the liars are promoted and rewarded by the world. He says revival is not coming because people don't really want it.
Perfect for 2022 A true fire and brimstone sermon that the entire world needs. The world is in denial about the future and the clock is ticking. This is truth that will not change. Tomorrow may be too late. Listen to this now. Nothing you are doing right now is more important than this sermon.
Perfect For 2022 Preached over 40 years ago and exactly correct then but monumentally correct now. If America had listened to this and changed then how different things would now be. Listen with an open mind.
TREMENDOUS. Wow. This sermon was given in 1974 and was spot on correct about America and where the country was headed. This pastor was correct. Listen. Wake up America.