The Beginning Discusses the origin and essence of evil. He argues that "evil depends on goodness for it's existence", is "parasitic" and yet will finally be shown to serve the overarching purposes of God. It exists only with God's permission, for God brings good OUT of evil. Yet sin remains a riddle, and is NOT normal or what it means to be human; we were NOT created with sin. (It is perhaps best understood, IMO, when one considers that Light shines brightest in Darkness). Sin is nonetheless alien, an intruder, and a transgression of the Law of God.
Great Sermon! I love listening to Eric Alexander. He speaks with such clarity and reverence that God's word is alive, stirring and moving my inner being. Thank you and may God continue to bless others through this great man of God.
Great Sermon! Challenging and helpfull in preparation for our witness going into the new year. Prayer the missing element in our evangelism. Spurgeon's comment, prayer meeting the engine room that drives the church,so relevant today.
Great warning. This was a blessed message for my soul. A serious warning against teaching false doctrines and bringing in the church unbiblical worship.
Great responsibility. Praise the Lord! Jesus Christ cares and provides for His Church. A message about the great responsibility of the leaders to keep the flock in the truth.
Great diligence. We must immitate the people in Berea, who searched the Scripture to see if they say what is preached. We must fear error and we must fight for the truth.
Joy that God is as He is! Not just Uzzah, but also David sinned, trying to worship God in a way He didn’t prescribe. But David finishes finding his pleasure and exuberance in a holy God, a God who punishes and disciplines, a God who maintains His standards! We must do the like!
Great fight. Being faithful to the Gospel and fighting against theological error. I appreciate the arguments against the error of the New Perspective on Paul presented in this sermon.
Great encouragement. I thank God: I really needed the encouragement from this message. God is with us in our Christian lives and in our ministries.
Fighting for the truth. The minister of the Gospel must believe the Bible, must preach it faithfully and must fight for the truth. I was encouraged by this message.