Great Sermon! The greatest theologians of the twentieth century according to Billy Graham:
Karl Barth, Emil Brunner, Paul Tillich, and Carl Henry. Only Carl Henry was a bible believer. Come to your own conclusions about the 'faithfulness' of Billy Graham.
Understanding Gethsemane and Calvary Thank you, Dr. Thomas, for this message on Christ's suffering in Gethsemane. What amazing love and devotion that led our Savior from Gethsemane to Calvary!
Is Saul Among the Prophets? Most people predestined for salvation become saved ON THEIR WAY to the house of God, and before the ALTER call is given. This is why they go forward.
The leper was cleansed before he was told to go to the priest and tell what the Lord had done for him.
There were some men who went to the BG's crusades because they were IN THE WAY of being saved.
What wondrous love is this! Yes, it is at Gethsemane and at Calvary that we see the clearest picture of Christ's love: His self-sacrificing love for us and His perfect love for His Father, submitting to His will in spite of the horrendous cost.
Wonderful comfort Very comforting reminder that God is working even when it seems like He is tarrying too long and we begin to lose hope. Lord, give us the patience and the faith to wait for your perfect timing re. the salvation of our loved ones and re. the return of the Lord Jesus when He will make all things right.
Interesting and convicting Interesting take on this verse from 1 Cor 13 and the story in Luke 7. Which person are we like? Simon who showed no love for Jesus or the sinful woman who showed such extravagant love?
Glorious Christ. I found useful things for my thinking in this message. Especially I liked the idea that in Jesus Christ it is fulfilled this vision. But, if I understood well, the preacher lives no literal fulfillment of this text in the new earth. We are left only with symbols and metaphors, but with no material water flowing from the throne, no trees, no fruits, no streets of gold…
Great sermon on obedience and its effects This sermon is a careful, considered and well developed exhortation to obedience. Seldom have have I heard a sermon on the potential for martyrdom that was not sensationalized. Here we see obedience I considered, ending with a view of Christ. Beautiful.
Everyone should hear this! I cried throughout this powerfully anointed teaching, and I believe The Spirit led me to this message for a reason, to light a fire in my spirit which burns all the more!
Great Sermon! Tho I don't comment on each sermon, I have been very blessed and have found profit for my pilgrimage in each sermon. Thank you for uploading them.
Great Message! This is a wonderful message and definitely worth your time but it's really not a sermon. It's more a lecture on Martin Luther's life and particularly his view of congregational singing. There's essentially no scripture exposition in it. Yet for what it is, it is very helpful, encouraging, and inspiring. The little story beginning about 5 minutes from the end is worth the entire listen. Praise God for Luther and Mohler!
Worship-Prompting Summary of Romans 1-8! This sermon really is an outstanding summary of Romans 1-8 delivered in Mohler's typical engaging style. I'd be a wonderful message to watch and discuss in a small group. Really moves you to worship!