Great Sermon! Thank you for uploading your sermons. I am being very blessed by them. Often I have to pause them to just bow my head in awe as you amplify His Majesty.
Beautiful Sermon! I enjoyed this message immensely! It was a Christmas blessing to me and my family. God bless your teaching ministry Dr. Goligher! Happy New Year.
Living water! I have listened to this sermon twice I believe and both times I find myself yearning to have a deeper drink of this water that Jesus offers the woman at the well. Also, the woman, though feisty, had a thirst for spiritual discussion. She was brave to begin talking with him about spiritual things, her being the notorious sinner she was. The Lord is so kind and wonderful to be waiting for her there! I find this exchange fascinating and precious. I'm so grateful for the Lords interest in her, it is so personal and shoes his deep concern and love for her as well as the town. He was so kind to her.
Great Sermon! While we think much during Advent of the 'baby-thing' in the manger (Dr. Goligher's term, spoken affectionately), we do need to pause and ask who this was who came, came from glory. The deeper Dr. Goligher delves into the Trinity, the made awesome it is that God himself should come -- True God of True God.
Great Sermon! What a great way to think of Christmas! Not to look so much at the dingy manger, but at the eternal glory which is where Christ has dwelt eternally and where we will join him someday. Hallelujah!
Great Sermon! Never thought of it before. Not until this mini-series. But if Christ is not the eternal Son, God cannot be a Father. Liberals 'like to think of God...' as Father. But that is not possible unless he has a Son. The Son who is his eternal heir.
Great Sermon! Wonderful and Awesome God. We can worship Our Lord Jesus Christ both as the 'little baby-thing' in the manger and Holy God enthroned in heaven at the same time! Our eternal God and Savior!
Left me standing in awe! The doctrine of God! This invisible God, unknowable to us by looking upward, has come down and gradually revealed himself to his creatures, step by step as people were ready to hear, until his ultimate revelation in Jesus Christ.
Another worshipful sermon on the Doctrine of God A Trinitarian Debate has heated up, as if the early Church Fathers have to do their ancient work all over again. Do we in our generation ever need to revisit what God has revealed about himself!
A moving, beautiful Sermon! Your preaching is always meaningful but this subject, especially so for me. I am like many women in this nation, sinful, living in subjection and shame, much of my own making. But then the Lord came and found me. But for Jesus I'd still be living in darkness and deadness, but He came for me, just like He came for her. On purpose. With intent to KNOW her and more importantly that she should know and worship Him. How I love to hear the story. Thank you for telling it so well.
re Trinitarian Debate w/ some Complementarians Very worshipful sermon, while also addressing an important theological debate in the evangelical world about the Doctrine of the Trinity as held by certain Complementarians.
Great Sermon! Very helpful sermon showing the wisdom and order of God's
provision in plurality of male elders for the prospering of His church. Oh that more churches would submit to this biblical pattern!
Great Sermon! I am an elder in my church (PCA) and our pastor asked us to listen to this sermon. I am glad he did. It encouraged me a great deal and reminded me of how much God loves us. I hope that before I leave this earth, I will truly understand what it means to no longer live for myself, but to live for Him, who gave His all for me. He is so good!