Help in understanding our day Very helped by this sermon to face what is going on in our day. The more we compare history from the Bible with developments now, the more encouragement we have to face this era. Thank you!
Excellent Series. Lots of Straight Talk here. Expect to get beat down and built up. I listened to sermons 1 thru 5 successively and was re-grounded. Thank You Pastor/Brother Curtis
Good Bible Gems explained. He draws out the Grace of God and
implores us to go to God and have him deliver us. I need it. A really good situation in 2021
Deep treasures Treasures through the sermon. Really good
knowledge about the treasures presented in the sermon. I like the comparison of scripture with scripture and draws it out to our benefit. Thank you
Kingdom Gospel Vs. Libertarian Social Gospel We ought to remember The Kingdom Gospel spoken by Jesus in Matthew 24:14 in response to the worldly humanistic social gospel of libertarianism.
Antichrist Libertarian Pacificsm Many libertarians subscribe to this antichrist libertarian pacificism called "the non-aggression principle." While we Bible Believers realize that there is wrong aggression, this "non-aggression principle" claims that using aggression against people's "natural rights" is wrong. We know that The Lord did use physical force when He The Lord judged the world with The Flood in the days of Noah. Our Lord only uses physical and aggressive force as punishment upon the unrighteous. We also realize that Our Lord does not recognize the Enlightenment principle of "natural rights" since "natural rights" allows people to partake of the worship of false gods and idol worship. Our Lord used physical force on Egypt when He sent The Ten Plagues. Lastly, Jesus will use physical force against the rebel soldiers of the antichrist beast and the false prophet at the end of the Battle of Armageddon. From a Biblical Standpoint, the libertarian "non-aggression principle" is erroneous because it attacks The Lord's Judgment upon unrighteous people. There are numerous examples in The Bible where The Lord and His Saints used physical force and aggression to punish the unrighteous. Biblical Judgment goes against the libertarian "non-aggression principle".
Biblical Monarchism vs. Worldly Libertarianism This sermon shows why Biblical Monarchism is superior to worldly libertarianism. From a Biblical Standpoint, libertarianism is clearly worldly and is man-centered to the core. Biblical Monarchism is Biblical and is God-centered. In Exodus 18:1-27, Jethro advised Moses to appoint judges who are rulers. These judges were required to exercise dominion over people as rulers of righteousness. This is the exact opposite of a libertarian government. A sermon like this is most needed in response to this worldly device of the Antichrist known as libertarianism.
Great Sermon! Excellent commentary on Mark 13. Even our English translations show their biases towards certain understandings eg 'angel' when it could very well simply mean human 'messenger' given the same Greek word is used. One would think even a footnote could have been included to that effect, but sadly no. No wonder there have been so many claims of 'failed' prophecies! Thank you for this excellent presentation.
Libertarianism: Attack on Biblical Monarchy This sermon clearly shows that libertarianism is really an attack on Biblical Monarchy. All of this means that libertarianism is really of the Antichrist. Even the libertarians on the globe are preparing the world to receive the Antichrist as are many other major political factions. Not surprisingly, many libertarians are against monarchy. In The Lord's Prayer, Jesus said: Thy Kingdom Come, to His Heavenly Abba Father. It really is because Satan is using worldly "liberty" activism, especially through libertarianism, to steal people's hearts from The Lord.
Insightful and helpful. Pastor Knapp brings out many helpful Scriptural principles and practical applications.
Another superb sermon by this faithful preacher.