Excellent Sermon! Another great presentation regarding the truth of Jesus Christ and the false teachings of the Pharisees. The hatred against Jesus Christ as being the Messiah by the closed mindedness of the Pharisees is nicely done by Brother Phil as usual in his sermons.
Powerful Revealing Sermon! Having heard this sermon a few times, the most recent hearing gave me different insight to its message. While somewhat directed towards people getting older and nearing the end of life, I look back and wish I would have heard and followed this message when I was in my mid-years. Having this teaching would have prevented much heartache and pain over the earlier years. A sinful life causes much pain over the years, and following God's commandments would make life much more peaceful and filling than fighting the pain that comes from living sinful years filled with too much hurt and waste. The earlier one can take in this message the better one's life will be as one ages.
Great Sermon! A great timely message that was a real encouragement to me. Thank You!
I always look forward catching you on "sermon auto" God Bless Ya!
Tom Wall
Jackson, MO
Great Sermon! This message is brought with such clarity; unlike others I've heard. You'll probably agree after listening.
It is truly great teaching.
Conference July 10-12, 2015 Same Topic Very informative for many to hear.
Pr Don Green has a conference this weekend - July 10-12, 2015
"The Bible and Homosexuality"
Truth Community Church
Great Sermon! I have been looking for sermons on Adventism now I can forward them to my lost family, they say I have the mark of the beast because I now go to church on Sunday
Powerful Sermon! The wisdom given by Solomon has profound merit through the examples given by Brother Johnson. Every major topic we face in our life is examined and looked at the Scriptural answer we should follow. This Book is fantastic in its broad coverage and we would be wise to read it diligently as we face the world and our own problems. Thanks for a great message Phil.
Great Sermon! Thank you, Bro Phil. I love this sermon and this portion of Scripture. I didn't know Rev. Spurgeon did also and preached so many times on it.
Humble Required One of the most important aspects of the Christian's character is humility.
God resists the proud but He give more grace to the humble.
Outstanding Sermon! If you want to know why our nation is in such a mess this sermon will give you a strong answer. Our country has lost all sense of honor and instead has taken on disrespect within all important groups, especially in education and politics. This trend is indicative of the progress of postmodernism here and worldwide.
Needed truth Helpful sermon on a much needed subject. As Bunyan says he who does not know the nature of the law cannot know the nature of sin and anyone who does not understand the nature of sin cannot know the nature of the saviour
Great Sermon! Excellent sermon and resource. I discovered this at the very time I was having problems with understanding the "guilt" of Adams sin. Thanks to this sermon I actually have a clear understanding of the subject, can not thank you enough.
Powerful Sermon! This sermon is so filled with spiritual blessings about how much more we have with the Glory of Jesus Christ than was offered in the Old Testament to Moses as he sought to see the Glory of God.
As children of God through His Grace and Faith in Jesus Christ, we have the greatest offering to see the Glory that Christ Jesus presents to us. This sermon has to be heard more than once to get the entire blessing it offers. Thank you Brother Phil for this outstanding sermon.
Encouraging Sermon! We should look for a daily cleansing of our sins -- big or small, and this sermon will give us confidence that
God will forgive us if we ask in deep sincerity. Also we get a meaningful definition of the phrase "fear of God" that is often used but not really given
the strong quality it deserves. This sermon gives us a blessing through its cleansing offering.