Great Sermon! For most of her life ( Praise God she came to faith), my sister, who was a University lecturer in Philosophy, looked on me a a credulous simpleton because of my faith. However, this same Intelligent woman would tell me that her stars said that such and such would happen to her today. So the world long can’t say they deny the supernatural, just that they prefer to choose the o RD that leave God out. A most informative and sound message. Thank you very much.
Roman Catholicism Is Saianic Knowingly bringing souls closer to Rome is Satanic. Anyone promoting R.C.doctrine, like Packer, are false teachers, for only God can forgive sins, Christ came to save sinners and all believing a priest can do so, will perish. Having a dialog with them is futile. Warning them, like you do Phil, maybe awken simpletons if they heed your exhortations, else no avail.
Great Sermon! Thank you for this excellent reading of PP... your commentary is edifying and encouraging to our faith... will be sharing this with others.
Great Sermon! Indeed, Ptr Mike is God's blessings to all who listen to him, vivid, clear and convincing and convicting message. May God bless you...I hope to see you someday.
Great Sermon! Dear Phill,
I listen to your sermons while walking and have learned so much. This Sermon app is priceless.
Praying that you will keep well and continue to be a blessing to people all over the world.
Love and greetings, Hannah
Great Sermon! Who sinned, me or my parents, that I should have to wait until I was 70 years old to understand the extent of God’s sovereignty? Thank you, Mike, for your faithfulness to God’s Word.
Great Sermon! a most excellent sermon that so highly exalts God for who He is. You will put your hand over your mouth and tremble a little and wipe away a few tears as well. Thank you sir, for your presentation.
Great Sermon! Excellent Sermon, wish I'd heard it years ago, could have known more victory than defeat in trials, but given the very essence of this message, God, in His providence, had me hear this message in His perfect timing. I will be listening to this message over and over again, and have added it to my list of downloads. Thank you and God bless you!
Even more relevant today! Powerful historical and biblical message that strongly demonstrates how Liberalism invades the churches over time from one generation to the other bringing apostasy through destructive heresies. Note the evil principle of Socinianism on which he justly dwells for considerable time to identify it.
Now's the Time to strongly urge an application of this message to reviewing the decline and fall of Southern Baptists climaxing now in the SBC in 2018, how the churches departed from Revelation to Human Reason and socialist doctrine (i.e. first abolitionism, then feminism, egalitarianism, MLKism) Socinian thinking came in to be Politically Correct and relevant, condemning their godly fore-fathers and apologizing for slavery to appease the world, and now it's bearing its fruit & consequences and dividing and conquering the entire SBC into total social liberalism while pretending to be remain orthodox; Destructive heresies under pretense of love equality bringing revolutionary change as if the Bible is errant & wrong in its social instructions, as if God's law is not holy, Jesus & the Apostles teaching imperfect, and his Word can be set aside, in order to conform to Democratic expectations even for "conservatives". Now tumult and schism are evident and a Social Gospel rising up.
Wonderful message Haha he was right he's not so gifted in evangelism as Ray Comfort but this message fits the name tag. Phil Johnson always approaches scripture a tad intellectually as opposed to Ray Comfort's down to earth approach which really sets this one in a different pace but it is just the right fit. This was a wonderful message on the ultimate mystery of Heaven. How a Righteous God can miraculously show mercy to sinners. I will be sure to pair this message with Hell's best kept secret any day. God bless you sir for this message. It's such a blessing how the Righteousness of God which scares those under the law is the source of our joy through the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Talk about deception... I'm an Adventist and came here to wrestle with my own biases. I was expecting to hear a dissection of our beliefs from a purely scriptural standpoint (comparing beliefs with Bible verses). But, he spends the first 40 minutes of his 1 hour sermon talking about Ellen White. Where are the Bible verses? Unfortunately, Adventist critics always focus on the Millerites and Ellen White. These aren't even mildly related to our foundational beliefs. Around the 50 minute mark, he started getting into some beliefs - salvation by faith, "soul sleep", etc. But, he just says they're wrong without Bible verses to support him. They are his words or someone else he quotes. He says Adventists are unskilled in doctrine at 54. But, this weak dissection of Adventist beliefs indicates he may be the one unskilled. At 55 he brings up the Sabbath and he quotes Romans and Colossians - (FINALLY A BIBLE VERSE!). But, he is using those verses out of context. Instead of reading the context of those verses to understand their meaning, he jumps back to Ellen White. I am no pastor. But I know my Bible. We don't teach that salvation hinges on being Adventist. Most of what he said we believe, we don't. Sadly, people hear his sermon and think this is what we really believe.
Great Sermon! This is a great message that the reformed community needs to hear. As a reformed baptist myself, I wish more people would realize the importance of sanctification and holiness. They need to realize that it flows naturally out of our reformed beliefs