'Cinematically Curious' Curious: the crowd lobbying for the public displays of the ten commandments seems to be the same crowd in the lobby of the cineplex. Ironically, the Roman Catholic 'ten' OMIT the second!
More proof that the church of Rome and that of Nashville honor the same 'gospel/:
F R E E - W I L L
Great Sermon! Pastor Albert Martin has delivered a powerful message as to the ramifications of whether to view Mel Gibson's movie, The Passion of the Christ. Before hearing this sermon, I too had been caught up in the hype of the movie. I wanted to go to the movie because I am a pastor myself and I feel it my obligation to be able to give my honest evaluation of this presentation to any inquiring members of the congregation I serve and lead. After listening to this sermon, I have my concerns about viewing it now. When I participate in the Lord's Supper, I don't want the image of the actor portraying Christ in this movie to come to my mind. I may still go see the movie, but if the Lord leads me not to see it, I will not go watch it. I don't need a movie by imperfect men to move me concerning the crucifixion of my Lord. We have the All Sufficient Word of God to do that. If souls are brought to Christ for salvation through this movie, I say praise the Lord!
Interesting message! In this message Al Martin hits some very useful points that I've not heard mentioned before -- making this an interesting and informative study.
Great Sermon! I was going to see this movie, but after listening to this sermon, there is no way under God's heaven that I could ever bring myself to go. I am doing everything I can to influence others not to go.
The Passion of The Christ Thank you for your input, you have raised some very good points. However, I saw this movie before learning all the hype and those of you who don't watch TV can understand how this can happen. Just as in scripture, the picture does show the first blood being shed in the Garden of Gethsemane. Mark 14:33-38; Luke 22:39-44.. Jesus was very distressed, troubled, in agony and grieved to the point of death. and His sweat became like drops of blood, falling down upon the ground. With regard to the penalty that Jesus had to pay for our sins, I found this movie to be the closest account to the original scriptures that has ever been made. I have seen this movie once but would not agree to see it again; just as his disciples, who were physically present, would not want to watch it again. In scripture, the centurian was converted at the foot of the cross saying, "Truly this was the Son of God." Matt 27:54. While watching the movie, I read no words being put into the mouth of our Lord that were not in scripture. Yes, Hollywood used dramatization to make its movie in movie form. And you are right about who it is that has put this film together and their erroneous religious practices but the Apostle Paul said, "Some, to be sure, are preaching Christ even from envy and strife, but some also from good will; .......the former proclaim Christ out of selfish ambition, rather than from pure motives, ........What then? Only that in every way, whether in pretense or in truth, Christ is proclaimed; and in this I rejoice, yes, and I will rejoice.
The truth shall set you free! I had seen The Passion before I heard this sermon. I felt convicted as soon as I left the theatre. This sermon not only reinforced those convictions, but brought on many more. As Christians we need to take a stand against the Biblical untruths being set before so many in this film. I now truly understand the idolatry issue after hearing this and have taken it to heart. Thank you for this sermon.
Great Sermon! An earlier reviewer said, "Who are we to limit the means that our Lord can use to reach the lost?" Well, I can just as easily say "Who are we to reach the lost by means that we unauthorized or unbiblical?" We don't limit the Lord, but the Lord has limited US in what we can use to reach teh lost -- that is, by preaching and writing from and about Scripture (John 20:31, Romans 10:14-17).
Since you love the Truth..listen to this Whether you are planning to see Gibson's new movie or not, I beg you to listen to this sermon. It is a terrific example of wise pastoral council. May God bless you all!
Thank you Pastor Martin Thank you for this thoughtful study and warning to Protestants who might be swept away in the media frenzy surrounding this movie. I found both the study and the extra resources at Trinity's website very helpful.
Viewer Beware! How quick we "christians" are to turn our backs on the true gospel of Jesus Christ. How could we so easily be deceived (our scriptures foretells of this mass deception). How dare we fall prey to the "whore of babylon". I praise Pastor Martin for his uncompromised view of this blantant promotion of the catholic agenda (the false church). If this church allows homosexuality as common place.....how much more will it belittle and demean our true and living Savior. I to, will be with Pastor Martin, in sitting this one out! God have mercy on us for our blind ignorance!
Great Sermon! excellent sermon from pastor Martin
and should be shared to all the evangelical community . May we have the proper biblical discernment for the subtle deception that is taking place in the world today .
Be Careful I think we all need to be careful about what we say about this film before we view it...especially if we do not plan on viewing it. Who are we to limit the means that our Lord can use to reach the lost?
Right on the mark! Listen up! I found this sermon to be right on the mark! Give it a chance and listen from beginning to end. You will think twice about what "The Passion" is all about. This is a must-hear for all who are wondering what to think about this new film... and who may be on the border of opinion.
Great Sermon! What a teriffic message on the reasons not to view this blasphemous film. The fundamental elements of repentance/forsaking of sin that our Lord taught are not focused on in this film. We should not be ENTERTAINED by something that adds or takes away from holy scripture, which this film does. This film has a catholic and presents an image of our Lord that is not the emphasis of scripture. This is nothing more than a tool used by satan to send nonbelievers out of a theatre convinced that the spiritual aspect of their life is somehow more taken care of than before viewing the film. THANK YOU Pasor Martin!!!!!!
Sermon makes important points! Admidst the tsunami of prostestant evangelical celebration for this film, Martin remains unswept in his committment to the biblical gospel. With respect for the popular sentiment being expressed for Gibson's movie, this pastor articulates many critical concerns about the film's effect on our understanding of the real savior. As we begin the 21st century, we see that the spiritual issues that defined the 16th century reformation are move relevant then ever. Mankind's spiritual feet are ever prone to slipping down the slippery slope of pragmatic and self-authenticated truth. This problem can manifest itself in the mystical priestcraft of the Roman church, or the material emotionalism of the American church. Thus a meticulously graphic depiction of a crucifixion becomes only an empty container waiting to be filled with whatever gospel our carnal hearts desire.
Great Sermon! Hello and God bless you Bro. Martin for telling the truth in God's Word in relationship to the wickedness of my sin. I would ask that you lift me up in prayer at your next service and ask God that He would give me strength against the lust of the flesh and that He would help me to walk in the Spirit and not to fulfill the desires of my ugly flesh. God bless you for caring enough to tell the truth.
Bro. Robert
Great Sermon! I now see why I failed. I was bound to leagal motives. I believe every believer should draw into this message and seek grace to have convicting Gospel Motives.
Phenomenal Sermon! If all the saints these days could learn from Pastor Martin these simple hermeneutical principles of interpretation, the Dispensational camp would be empty!!! Not even the crickets would stay!!! Truly a sermon for any who have been afraid to tackle the big questions of the Revelation to John.