Out of despair and into victory I have been despairing in this trial. I have forgotten Who controls it all. This sermon brought a much-needed perspective.
Great Sermon! I am so thankful for the truth of God’s word and a faithful pastor who continually brings it to his people. Thank God, my ultimate hope, who is unshakable regardless of what I face in this life. His has, is and will continue to deliver me. Hallelujah!!!!
Another Great Sermon! A great reminder that Christ has paid the ultimate price for His followers to live victorious in this life by living for Him and sharing What He’s done with others regardless of our circumstances. Because of Christ our labor is never in vain! Glory!!!
A Word For Today This spoke right to my heart. Thank you Pastor JD for this word for all. We need hope. We need peace. There is only one way to find it. In Christ alone.
Powerful Sermon! Always...(especially during these trying times) Christians must remember to rely totally on God's strength and not our own. Everyone trusts in something. We can't trust our own abilities when we die. Our loved ones are in the most capable hands whether we're still here on earth or not. God is in control. He knows what's best for all of us. Glory to His name!