Thank you That I would have great sorrow and unceasing anguish in my heart for lost souls more than the noise and distractions of this world. Thank you Pastor JD for stirring up the church with what is important.
In Times Like These... My heart struggling before worship and preaching. But God!! Through the preaching of His living Word glory hallelujah! The Word of God is not bound! The Word of God is invincible! Yes yes yes!!
Motivation! The difference between means and motivation!! Could spend hours on that. I appreciate Pastors who not only proclaim the Word of God, but give the “how to”. “So, don’t fool yourself, no amount of going through the godly motions will produce a pure heart if you are just as devoted to something else at the same time. Jesus said no man can serve two masters.” How we so easily we deceive ourselves with our means. And bottom line, thank you Pastor JD, how much God do you see? How much God do you want to see? Not just someday for eternity but now!! Glory!
The Reigning Christ! "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ" Eph. 1:3
Also been thinking along these lines lately, & how Paul does not use "places", translators add it to make the wording less obtuse. But I think Paul intended for us to see these blessings as secure in the King of Kings & Lord of Lords. We come to Christ through the image of a lowly, suffering, dying, yet utterly righteous servant, & rightly so, for Paul elsewhere speaks of this as fundamental to the Gospel (1Cor. 1:23, 2:2, 15:3-4). But Paul also knows our full assurance must be in the image of Him ruling over all of Heaven and Earth. To have full confidence, we must see Him as both Lion & Lamb. “Heavenly” is an adjective, adjectives reference nouns & the only noun Paul gives is “Christ” (epouranios en Christos). All of our blessings, indeed our eternal soul, are not merely stored away for us in Heaven, but eternally secure in the King of Heaven. Our blessings are bound up in all His power, glory, & magnificence as He reigns over all of Heaven above & the earth below. "It is not merely that the blessings have their origin in heaven, but that they have their seat where Christ reigns." -Expositors Comm. (also Col. 3:1-3)
I’m Safe!!! Not only did you bring the truth and promise of God you helped in bringing out those places that keep us from receiving all that is promised! Thank you for teaching that ADDICTION is not just alcohol,drugs etc. Oh that we hear and receive and act on this! Reveal our, my hidden heart. May the alarms of life send me to the eternal God who is my dwelling place!! No more of the earthly justifications or excuses. Thank you again Pastor. Thank you Jesus.