Thank you!! Heard this last Sunday. Read again this am. So very thankful for this encouraging Word to move in me the Truth of Christ. Continuing to grow in “put on” and “make no provision”. Thank you.
Loved it! Walking with God and A Weapon in Your War from
Gal 5 was extremely pragmatic! Easy to grab hold of and put into practice. I left service encouraged knowing that by serving others instead of self I can walk in the Spirit and NOT in my flesh!
Awesome Message I woke up with the phrase “enter in” in my head Sunday morning. This was the perfect message to fit that phrase. No matter where you are always in life good, bad, or indifferent this message will apply to everyone. Even though we fall we can still enter in to His grace, mercy, and His unfailing love.
Superb, Splendid, Sublime I wanted to shout "THAT'S ME!" constantly through the message. But now I say "that's me" as Christ has described me, as Christ has made me, as Christ is making me.
Praise be to God.
Fighting the Ghosts So good to hear TRUTH. My sin always before me, PRIDE. Thank you for your mercy and grace and that I am being conformed to the image of Christ.
Inspired I read the paper on the board this morning about the "promise". This morning was everything I read and maybe something more. Thank you for doing The Roamns Road.
The Next Right Move Yes! I want to be healed! Courage and wisdom Lord! Grant healing to all who hear this!
Thank you Pator for this Word deliver today!!!
Before the Beginning Oh how grateful to hear this! Hard to find words to describe what is going on in my soul. Stunned comes to mind. Just sitting here and basking in the love of “I AM”. These truths take me so beyond myself and secure in my heart and mind the place and Majesty of the One True God. I am so grateful He allows me to seek my satisfaction in Him. All glory to God! Thank you Pastor for the boldness of this Word.
Self Righteousness Just had the opportunity to listen to this. Oh Father, be merciful to me a sinner. There is so much to learn! Thank you Pastor for your depth of explanation of this text. Comparison is such a bondage. And during these times! Oh that I do not hold anyone in contempt but immediately recognize and acknowledge conviction,conversion, confession and receive comfort.