Great Sermon! No matter what you are going through, lean on the everlasting arms of God. You will be safe. Thank you Pastor for hearing and sharing the words of life from our heavenly Father.
Great Sermon! I listened to the sermon he references in this sermon years ago, I would encourage to listen to that one as well. What he is preaching is seriously LIFE changing. It will bless you and help you in the hardest of times! Things won’t seem as scary because you know, even if, even now, God is still God and his promises still stand! Please listen! And take notes!
Even so... The Spirit of God within this jar of clay delivers us from being overcome by the world's "what if" & "what now" into declaring "even if" & "even now", which fills us with hope and causes us to agree with that final declaration of Scripture "even so, come Lord Jesus"
Timely Thank you for bringing this word to my heart. We all need to be prepared. I need to do what I have been commanded to do in the Word of God. As we have dealt with this “pandemic” another believer and I have discussed the idols that are being removed as verse 21 speaks of “...the pride of your power, the delight of your eyes, the yearning of your soul...” Father God, may You become in our lives, in my life, what You intended from creation. May all this lead many to Christ and may You be glorified!! Thank you for Pastors who preach the Truth!!!!
Humbling but Wonderful Wonderfully deep and personal message! That moment when you want to tell everybody that you're having a hard time but then God let's you know that He is the only one who needs to know, and He already does!