Stole a small part! Wonderful message! At the end of a sermon I gave today, I ended it with noting our gift back to God for Christmas, the gift of repentance!
Great Sermon! I have been praying , lord what do I do , In the midst of a time of suffering and not really knowing my purpose , this sermon brought light and an answer to that prayer !
Thanks indeed! I am so thankful too! So many reasons but your presence in the pulpit today is a great blessing. Thank you for words and heart.
We are missing everyone but doing well.
I am thankful I so appreciate the truth spoken today. What an encouragement to this Body of Believers. I really appreciate how the words of Paul were shared. Have read them, seen them, but not together like this. Yes Lord, I am thankful!
Spoke to my heart JD- thanks for presenting this “invested” aspect to prayer. I always think in terms of my kids and so I strongly related to that picture of prayer.