Outstanding Sermon! This message gives us great insight and some information that has not be taught in most churches about the Book of Mark. There were so many unknown facts that were clarified about John the Baptist and Jesus Christ that surprised me. An excellent teaching here.
Great Sermon! This message gives us greater insight and understanding of this event as Jesus Christ enters the city a few days before His crucification.
Great Sermon! good sermon dear brother...
once again i am convinced by the scriptures that God elects His people for salvation for His own glory...
Thank you and God bless you
One of the best sermons I've ever heard! This message from 2007 around the 4th of July, is still relevant, if not even more so, this Independence Day in the year of our Lord 2015. Crisply delivered. Thank you for this sound preaching which has never been nmore timely.
Outstanding Sermon! To realize how much worse and more atheistic our nation has become in only 8 years since this sermon was preached, it is frightening to see each year getting worse than the previous. Unless revival happens soon, True Christianity will be stripped of any meaning for our people and nation. I foresee the Holy Bible being criticized as a hateful book and offensive to our culture and will have laws preventing from being part of our church liberties. The Rapture is the only possible solution to True Christians who have Christ Jesus as Lord and Savior. America's best days have long past and the only future we have is in the Holy Scriptures. Pray and study the Holy Bible more each day for your soul's peace.
Challengiing Sermon! This message makes you examine your heart and make repentance the major ingredient to find salvation in its deepest meaning. Repentance open up your heart to accept God's offer to see and reject your sinful soul and be a child of God. Too many churches only give a skeleton picture of salvation if there is no repentance which adds a pure heart to one's body. Without repentance there is no salvation. With repentance there is forgiveness and acceptance in God's eyes. Too many people are living an empty and lost life because their church is not preaching the ingredient of repentance.
Great Sermon! So many spots in this passage that I've just read over and missed, have been brought to light and expounded in this sermon. Thanks for your teaching Pastor Russ!
Great Sermon! This is so powerful. I don't know how that works, but this really should be a featured sermon. In fact, all of the sermons in this series of Things of Importance are excellent. Thank you, Bro. Russ.
Great Sermon! "...My hope for eternity rests in Thy hand,
My heart deeply longs for that fair better land,
Where one day complete in Thyself I shall stand;
My hope, my hope is in Thee."
Oh! Christ , My only hope, my strength , my comforter... My all in all.
Thank you