Important Sermon! This message justly calls attention to modern false Christianity, even among Protestants, Baptists and even "reformed" churches which are marked by "free will worship", or will-worship. Note the mark of Babylon is sensual worship, including musical instruments, along with much merchandising of religion and works by which they think they glorify God, even when "conservative". Martin Luther wrote on Galations: "All religion whereby God is worshiped without his word and commandment is idolatry. And the more spiritual it seems to be in outward show, the more dangerous and pernicious it is". Presently there is reformed idolatry as bad as Rome's, which God hates and will certainly judge.
Truth Sermon! Many true things here that knock down false and politically-correct Christianity. The same people that make a ritual of praying over meals in restaurants publicly (esp. on Sundays, to be seen of men, Matt. 5) later turn up their radios with worldly music, sports programs and TV's with immoral programs, then later attend Bible studies, read theology books and even talk Christian-speak jargon of their own, but have never had any fear of God nor truly been convicted of their sins or made to flee the wrath to come. They love the world. False Christianity is a curse and is impotent to bring any real change or regeneration. Church membership is seen as righteousness when even the most conservative are corrupt and led by unconverted pastors. It's a "form of religion, without the power thereof" (2 Tim. 3), from which we are commanded to "turn away".
Great Sermon! Well said.
"This is My body, given for you...." O, that we would hear the objective nature of our Lord's words of institution in the sacrament of Communion.
Great Sermon! "You know, I take it as a compliment when people come worship here and leave and don’t even know what Calvinism is, because that is not our gospel. Our gospel is Christ and the foundation is his blood and righteousness alone." -Ken Wimer
Thank you for pointing out in this sermon Pastor Wimer the truth that so many who call themselves "Calvinists" need to hear.
Great Sermon! What a blessed privilege to hear Christ declared as our "Friend". Pastor Wimer clearly sets forth the fact that there is "a friend that sticketh closer than a brother." Oh that we could all strive to clearly tell our families and friends with such simplicity and love of our Friend.
Great Sermon! This sermon is easy for me to understand and relate to. Especially
as you spoke on the blindness falling
away, and the brightness of the truth,
revealed by God, leaving me standing in a black hole, knowing that if He placed
me in hell it would be exactly what I deserved. I would still praise His name for accomplishing His will, and having been merciful to me on this earth. And, when he did take me from the darkness and showed me the truth,
and brought me into that marvelous light of revelation I have been filled with the joy of that truth ever since.
(I have paraphrased this...I don't have perfect memory!!ha!)
Thank you for studying the Word and putting it forth for the appointed ones to hear, whether it be the wheat or the tares.
Great Sermon! Thank you Pastor Ken for a clear warning of those IN the congregation, who give a false gospel, deviating from the truth of purely God's free grace in Christ. How we need to be continuously on our guard.
Love in Christ, Rose & George from England.
About the time you THINK you know??!! Just when you think you know what scripture means, you listen to someone who the Lord has gone through to teach you something. There will be chastisment if you hear and don't take heed. Especially when you understand it like it is to be meant to be undestood. About the time you think you understand and know something.......He shows you otherwise!! All we can think of is the first verse in Matt. 24!!! You think you got it? Think again!! Listen to this and see if the Lord shows you more than you thought you knew.
Important truth to be heeded! I was truly blessed by the simplicity with which you presented such a divisive truth. My prayer is that all God's servants would take note and follow God's command to expose and shun those you rightfully set forth as "Imposters"
Great Sermon! The passage was given careful exegesis by Ken and compared to other passages to exalt the truth as it is found in Jesus Christ. Sound interpretation on this passage that will encourage pastors to faithfully contend for the faith.
Wonderful Sermon! Thank you Pastor Wimer! I pray the beauty of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ would be revealed to those who listen to or read this sermon.