Great Sermon! This sermon covers a multitude of ways that people will not accept the Word of The Lord as is shown in Holy Scriptures .
They all want to add to what Christ Jesus has done for all. It's corrupt human nature to want to do something of ourself to make it complete. Salvation is through Christ alone.
Outstanding Sermon! This message carries an extremely deep understanding of repentance through the death of Christ Jesus alone. Some people will act upon a prayer to God, yet not truly look to the blood of Christ Jesus for forgiveness. There is more to salvation than expressing a belief in God, and that requires the power of the death and resurrection of Christ Jesus as fulfillment of God's eternal plan of salvation. This is a very deep discussion that will need a second hearing or even more.
Outstanding Sermon! This message touches on so many deep and important topics that it's hard to name them all. But from being lost to being saved, covering God's plan for bring sinners to salvation, plus much more topics that every "born again" child would benefit from is brought forth and answered fully. Every person should hear this and weigh its words for greater understanding.
Great Sermon! Using the Book of Ruth, Pastor Ken does a nice job explaining how God has His plan for saving those who are lost, and not simply giving salvation to the crowds who have heard His Words. The examples he uses are very clear to show us how God perfectly carries out His plan.
Excellent Sermon! The message is so simple, yet it's one that too many people overlook, ignore or think it's too simple to be true and they look for something to add to it -- something they themselves can or must do. And also, today's preaching is too weak to look deeply at the Lord's death and resurrection as the only way to salvation, and nothing more.
Great Sermon! Thank you Ken, for the word of truth that you have brought in this message. I am thankful for God's chastisement because it is out of his grace and mercy that I receive it. I know that God places us in the battle but he also brings us through the battle and in victory we stand in him.
Enlightening Sermon! How big is your God? Do you see Him as great so that He can change your life from a chicken into an eagle and soar up into His kingdom? When we truly understand the awesomeness of all that God is, we will find peace and strength in doing His Will, and we have Jesus Christ to having been delivered from this sinful world. Come soon Jesus Christ!
Most Truthful Sermon! Too many churches are not preaching the Truth about salvation and are giving hearers false and lost messages when they seek to be saved. The question and answer is :salvation is completely in, by, and through the LORD Jesus. There is no cooperation between Christ and the sinner. The Lord Jesus does not need man's permission to save - true faith gives all the credit to Christ Jesus, nothing is of ourselves.
Strong Sermon! With all the answers provided by Brother Ken, we can find peace and contentment that our lives have been ordained by the Grace of God and He watches over His children. So we can depend on Him for everything that will happen to us. We know that all salvation belongs to God and for that we should give Him the Glory and Praise every day.
Outstanding Sermon! If you are a "saved sinner" through the death and resurrection of Christ Jesus, you should be rejoicing more each day and you should be studying more and more Jesus Christ and what He has done and is doing in your life. The Holy Spirit now lives in you and you in Him and all in Christ Jesus. It's awesome to have the privilege to continue studying and knowing Christ Jesus through great sermons such as this one. Rejoice because of what Christ Jesus did for us.
Great Sermon! We are most fortunate to have available the Word Of God in the Holy Bible. In this country, every person can actually hold, read and understand The Truth, which will make you free. But there are many false teachers who will corrupt the Scriptures, so each of us has the responsibility to discerne truth from error by reading and studying the Holy Bible. And as Brother Ken states, I follow the KJV as giving me the Word of God to see Christ Jesus in His True Light.
Meaningful Sermon! Brother Ken does an outstanding job explaining the deeper meaning of judgment and The Great White Throne. There are many false teachings about judgment after death and there is only One Truth about where we will be for eternity. Great explanations that will clear up important questions.
Great Sermon! Interesting comment about the Anglican Church and the queen. Thanks heaps great sermon. God bless you all at SermonAudio have no fellowship where I am thanks for the teaching.
Great Sermon! What a powerful message of truth, I need these very words Implanted in my heart and my
Mind, and my soul and in my spirit. I believe this message as clearly as God has revealed it to me. The truth of his plan and his sovereignty and foreknowledge is so awesome that I can hardly speak of it.
I have so many in my family and other loved ones who need this word but God has his plan and I have every bit of faith and strength that he provides to believe it to live by it and to know that he will reveal it to
I am so thankful that God has given use the word and the strength in the mind to speak of it especially to his people. I have
Great Sermon! Ken, what a powerful message, filled with truth and exaltation of the power and work of God. I need that word and printed in my brain and my heart implanted there, so that I might always no truth to see you and Lance there. Thank you