Great Sermon! It's 3:25am. I'm sick with a fever; too sick to read the word. It's such a blessing to be able to hear the word...Christ and Christ alone.
Great Sermon! Thank you Ken for your labor in the word for Gods people. This message is a true blessing. So many questions are answered in this short sermon.
Great Sermon! This is very helpful and encouraging to those of us who are labeled narrow-minded for the cause of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and are outspoken against will-worship and self-exalting religion. It is a lonely path to walk the strait and narrow road that leads to Life; so to hear preachers who unashamedly preach the Gospel is such a blessing! I've sit under the preachings of "dumb dogs" that cannot bark and what it produced was self-righteousness in dead and unregenerate sinner(s).
Great Sermon! Dear Brother, I listened to this message this morning and was so blessed by it. I am always so grateful for the brotherhood in Christ we share and that my son can attend worship with the brethren there in Shreveport. May the Lord be pleased to continue to bless the Gospel in your area.
Great Sermon! The Tares and the Wheat is a wonderfully true and clear message of God's work and plan on this earth and I appreciate the truth presented here very much. Thank you, Susan
Great Sermon! A wonderful explanation and picture of
conversion, when and how God converts
the heart of the sinner who has been
Redeemed at the cross. God's child, but
Peter didn't know or truly love The Lord
Jesus. Jesus prayed for Peter...I hope
In Him that He prays for me!
Great Sermon! Thank you once again, and thanks and praise to almighty God for revealing Himself in us. Life is very tumultuous and
yet when His time comes He calms the storms
within us and around us as He wills.
Great Sermon! excellent message, thank you Pastor Ken.
We are indeed greatly blessed because we believe Him, our gracious Lord and Savior.
We have been given spiritual eyes to see Him.
Thank You Lord Let’s be careful not to exalt the preacher above the Savior or to desire the preacher’s voice above the Savior’s voice.
Ephesians 4:4-6 that is why i say a preacher should not be elevated above the people. Thank you Lord for your wisdom is incomparable. Forgive me Lord.
Great Sermon! Nice insightful message on Matthew 15:21-28 and the woman's desire to have her daughter healed after a seemingly negative message by Jesus to her.
Great Sermon! Brother Ken does a nice job discussing our death "in the Lord," and those who die "without the Lord." Studying Revelation 14 lets us see how God separates the differences in death of us all.