I'm sure this will be a Great Sermon! I've herd a lot of people slinging of at Mr Paisley and blaming him for violence in Ireland. When I've asked these people if they have listened to any of his sermons they have all said no. Jesus was blamed for all sorts of things too in fact all those who wish to live Godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. I have listened to several of brother Paisley's sermons and they are very biblical and encouraging. I wish people would check things out before they go parroting the lies the media tells them. Keep going Mr Paisley, there are many still listening and It's the old ways we want to follow not all the Ecumenical, cream puff sob boy sissy modern rubbish the likes of rick warren is trying pollute people with. I'm about to listen to this sermon and judging from the 6 or so of yours I have already heard I'm sure it want disappoint.
Great Debate! I was adopted and in catholic family but praise be my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ I was set free and forgiven and that was possible through the teachings of Rome and the pope's antichrist system. Praise God for men such as Dr. Paisly who clearly define the truth of scripture on these matters!
Great Sermon! There is, in the life of a believer, a season of light and glory, a season when our feet would seemingly trod the still warmed footsteps of the Lord, triumphantly. Know, child of God, to trod the blood soaked path of our Lord, to Calvary, you must face a night season, where His joy, His mercy and His glory seem so far away. Only then, will you learn the love of God, shed abroad in your heart, it's healing power, it's saving grace, and the power of giving away, (His love), that which you have so freely received. There is, after all, a Baptism of Suffering. Would to God it leads to a resurrection, of a sort, of a cold, dry, bitter heart, then softened, healed and set aflame again, for Him.
Thank you Brother Paisley, may our Lord continue to use you mightily, for His glory.
Great Sermon! Dear Pastor, Thank you for your wonderful and passionate sermon. I am a missionary pastor in Nigeria. We are praying for revival also. The 'desert' here is the 'left over' from the evil spirit of religion. People go to church but do not get saved. Truth in Christ has to be proclaimed patiently for the hardness of the heart to be broken. God has given us the vision of what He can do with a man or woman totally dedicated to Him. We keep that vision in mind and continue to press forward.
Be encouraged! Your labor for God has great reward. God bless you, your family and church
In Christ alone
Lia Leigh.
Great Sermon! Where are the Ian Paisleys' in America? May God in his Mercy send us one or raise up such a one for these confusing, soggy and messy ecclesiastical times in this nation. Preach on, Preach loud, Preach clear. Preach strong. By the power of the Holy Ghost. Preach the Word, Preach the Gospel, keep on opposing the false bretheren, the apostasy, and false unifiers. Thank You brother.
God comes in a still small voice Elijah experienced when the Spirit of the Lord was present...in the still small voice. "Not by might, not by power, but by my Spirit saith the LORD."
Great Sermon! The pope may change, but Jesus remains the same.
Which one am I trusting? Theres no mention of the pope in the bible! I am saved like any other Christian, through the merit of Christ! Oh bless his name. I long for the day when I shall be with him!
Bad form, Geus! You would do well, Geus, to check your information before you start calling people liars. You are fortunate that the good man who runs this site does not have the time to read and filter all public comments, for if he did, it would be your slanderous comment that would be removed, and you who would be blocked, not Cy. Beside which, your quarrel is with scripture itself. If you were to read I Thesalonians 2 you would see quite plainly that the inspired, inerrant Word of God calls the Jews killers of the Lord Jesus. It may have been through the instrument of the Romans, but again, if you were to read the Gospel accounts of the crucifixion, you would see that the order came reluctantly from Pilate. Only at the Jews' blood thirsty cries of "Crucify him, Crucify him!" did he finally relent. I believe you owe Cy an apology, and you ought to be much more careful about accusing people of sin in the future, lest you commit it yourself.
Memorable Paisley is a fiery preacher who thunders from the pulpit. He takes this question of Elijah's day and applies it to today. Elijah came on the scene "when apostasy reached it's zenith". There is much apostasy today, without question. An apostate built Jericho, we are told, and God had a man (named Elijah) for the hour. Even "evangelicals" are resurrecting Babylonianism today in the churches, he says, (spoken already in 1970). He covers the obvious perversion of the scripture today also. "God is looking for a man who will do battle for the LORD". He wants a fighting church, not a compromising one, not a petty one, not an isolationist one..."I can show you churches in this city that once were a power for God and they are blighted today (!)..."