2 messages. There are 2 messages here. The first is 7 minutes long, a message on the new birth, based on John 3:3. The second, with the title indicated on the top of this page, has as texts Matthew 26:67 and Revelation 20:11. Christ presented in 2 aspects: as Savior, who came to the earth, in a state of humility, rejected and abused by many. And Christ as He will come as a Judge in His majesty. Those who reject Him as Savior, will stand before Him as their Judge.
Sad reality. Oh, how true that people in the world and religious people have no room for the Christ of the Bible! And they have no room for the people of this Christ!
Great reminder. We must not trust in the intelligence of any man, nor in numbers, but in God, who, through the power of His Spirit can work His mighty deeds!
Great error. The comment made by FounderChurch is very dangerous. America in not God's New Jerusalem! The comment suggests that God has no true church now in the world, but that FounderChurch must create "absolutely a new model Church". It is not true. Christ is the Head of the Church and the King of Universe. He always had true witnesses in the world. There are true churches and true Christians in the world today. Does FounderChurch fight against all denominations?
Great Sermon! It is great to read the great sermons of the great men of God, BUT they are unsuitable to today, not because they are to harsh, but because they are not a harsh as they should be. Sin grows ever more powerful as time goes on, and it requires a stronger dose of God's Word all the time. This is where the Church has fallen down on the job. The Church must be Totally remodeled for today's needs. For every step we go forward we fall back two steps. We cannot go on like this. America, God's New Jerusalem is falling, and the Church is no help as it stands now. We can't put new wine in old wine skins, but must build anew. The old denominations are all worn out, and even to so-called new ones are failing to get the job done. So, we need absolutely a new model Church. Google "FounderChurch" for 7000 hits of new teachings for these times.
Great Sermon! Only by the Grace of God, His Son and the in dwelling of The Holy Spirit, can Bless us with a Great Preacher like Dr.Paisley!!! Godly men like him are hard to find!!! Most of the Preacher's today are too worried about the numbers for "THEIR" mega Churches. Sad Really....
One of the BEST SERMON's I've heard!!! Praise God!!!!
Great encouragement. This sermon was an encouragement for me. So many around us tell us to keep silence about compromise! But Paul's example is a great one: we must speak for Christ's cause!