I love these stories I am so inspired by all the saints you have shared About. Is there any women
Who could be discussed who also were women of revival?
Great Sermon! Thank you for the PDF on your sermon on the false church. Ezekiel contains sober warnings, but it also holds out hope to those who will repent. Thank you for your timely message.
Strong Sermon! Bro. Johnston brings out good questions for the church as to what we're willing to do to change the course of our country. Time is running out and God's judgments are already being felt by our country. The question is will we repent and ask God for forgiveness or will things just get worse because of our sins.
Great Sermon! This is one message to take hold of in fear of God's wrath. If You "real" Christians out there, are thinking of all the ones you did not tell about Hell before they died, I pray Johnston message will convict you to before death happens. Because,"Mercy rejoices against judgment,"
Shout It From The Mountain Top! Dear Pastor Johnston,
Praise the Lord for your faithful message. When I hear people discussing your sermons instead of Joel Osteen's, then I know America is progressing. Until then keep "preachin' it" because Christians like myself are fearfully and pray fully listening. As a Pastor preaching in New York, I am an eyewitness to what Godless churches can do to a city and nation. Thank God SermonAudio.com can link together faithful, fundamental preachers of God's word. Our congregation will be praying for you and your ministry.
Strength and Honor in King Jesus
Pastor Robert Rubino
Great Sermon! Right on. He also says that when a nation sees a long list of prophets taken away or called home to glory WITH NO ONE TO REPLACE THEM that is another sure sign a nation has been left desolate. We have been seeing quite a few such people taken away lately, even some he didn't mention, and there have not been any men of equal caliber to replace them. : (
Great Sermon! "Gods zegen"
Is Dutch for God bless. With tears in my heart I listened to these sermons. For the brokeness of our lives is depicted so clearly. I have no other word than to say Amen. Thespiritual void is not just an American issue. It's a global issue. The whole western world is consumed by their jobs and timeconsuming hobby's and gadgets. Also overseas, here in the Netherlands the sermons seem to lack the presence of the Holy Spirit. My God have mercy on our rebellian souls...
The Gospel Preached Heart stirring, thank you for preaching the Gospel for it's the power of God unto salvation. So few still preach the full Gospel message. Thanks
Hearts Should Weep My heart hurt's because I want to serve God as did the saints of old. I truly yearn to please pray for me. Thank you for this heart stirring message.