Great Sermon! What a mighty message for the Glory of GOD!!!
Oh that many CHRISTians here in Amerika would heed and change our ways to those that THE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY tells use about in His Holy Word - like our brothers and sisters in China are doing!!!
My dissatisfaction with denominational churches began after I read - with many-many tears and prayers - 'The Heavenly Man'. Oh how GOD has used the life of Bro. Yun to help stir my soul with the hunger for the Ways of GOD! I am presently trying to find like-minded followers of the LORD Jesus Christ to worship with.
Your brother only by the Continuous Wondrous Mercy and Grace of GOD,
Bro. Nick
Lk 17:1 - Ps 12:8 - 2 Tim 3:13 - Hab 3:18 - Ps 115:1 -- Rev 22:20-21
MUST READ One must get whole series. I could not put this book down.Because of conviction, and then a deep hunger to see God come in Revival I read the whole series in under a week. Dr. Johnston Does an A plus job in writing this book.
Great Sermon! I have heard many sermons via SermonAudio but I can faithfully say Dr Johnston's have been the ones that stir me up the most. The Lord is using this man! Keep going Mr Johnston. The Lord bless you!
Preaching at it's Finest! Thank you Dr Johnston, this message is a message that every Christian needs to hear.
Thank you for faithfully and powerfully reminding us that we must diligently seek our God with great fervency and in Holy desperation, that He may be honoured and glorified as He should be by us.
I pray that our Lord will have mercy on the Churches here in England and also in the United States of America and elsewhere, and so restore the altars of our unfaithful hearts.
Thank you for your very sobering words, and timely counsel.
Great Sermon! What a great message and an encouragment for the saints of God to make their calling and election sure.
Keep up the sound preaching for the saints of God.
Bro Steve
A sinner saved by sovereign grace
An Excellent - Message! Thank you Thank you Dr Johnston for powerfully, clearly and accurately exposing the errors of many a contemporary Church which is all "froth and no substance"
Sadly we are seeing much of this kind in England.
I was also greatly spurred on to hear the clarion call back to the Word of God to be unashamedly preached in the pulpit rather than the happiness of man.
May the Lord spare us and equip us for true reformation and in the giving ourselves to the great cause of Christ our Lord.
It is a delight to hear you on SermonAudio.
Thank you again, with greetings from the United Kingdom.
Great Sermon! This sermon is a blessing and prophetic warning to the Laodicean pulpits in America. There are Preachers like myself who take your warnings seriously. May God have mercy on my generation for the way we have handled God's word. Keep bringing the fire of the Spirit we feel it in Brooklyn!
Great Sermon! Great message. Pastor Johnson, I got the
tracts you sent and have been using them.
I sent an e-mail to you two weeks ago.
Hope you got it. Thanks for your faithfulness and passion. Tony
Great Sermon! Thank you for providing this lesson in PDF. It allows the reader to reflect on the gravity of the subject of eternal destiny. Take time with people, especially family, and teach the Gospel.
Frightful Sermon! Brother Johnston really lays it out in a judging picture of what our country is following. Today, we have too many gods and our people are fully happy with them. Sports, entertainment, leisure, material goods -- life could not be any better for them and they have no time for God. Nobody reads the Bible, the preachers never preach on hell and damnation, so everyone is happy with their lives. I don't know if we have time for another Jeremiah and the Truth. Sometimes it's judgment time because God's patience does come to an end. I hope for Revival, but I don't see any indications that our nation is asking for it. Perhaps it's time for the Rapture!