True Sermon! This is a warning for the Body of
CHRIST. Judgement is already on this country when reading several reports that the fastest growing religion in America is witchcraft and they are packed in evangelistic services doing evil.
Great Sermon! This is by far the most descriptive thought provoking sermon I've heard on hell ever!
We need to hear more sermons of this nature, sermons that stir the heart for the lost, and that stirs our hearts in gratitude to our Lord.
Powerful Sermon! Brother Johnston truly says it like it is! He touched all the important topics for a person to be truly "born again" and not in the simplistic way that is taught by the vast majority of today's preachers. I went through all the steps of this message and finally at 75yrs of age I know I'm "born again" and continue to learn more about true salvation. I now spend much of my spare time studying the Holy Bible and keep getting closer to the Lord and Savior and that is such a wonderful feeling. I am a new creature and continue growing. Brother Johnston is truly a preacher of the Full Gospel -- God Bless your ministry.
Great Sermon! Thank you for the simplicity of your powerful message. Those who have truly been born again, repentant and cleansed from their sins have a testimony of God's Amazing Grace. "I once was lost but now I'm found, was blind but now I see"! The song becomes more than a song ... the wonderful reality of a changed heart the saved soul will sing for all eternity.
Great Sermon! I've not been to one of these type of churches, but it doesn't take much stretch of the imagination to know this is truth in today's world. Thought of the two Roads. The wide and narrow not particularly applying to the world so much as to churches. The circus driven church - deeply grievous and frightening and just plain creepy.
Weep and Pray for America This is the prayer of my heart daily. It is difficult to find a Spirit-filled church where the full council of the Word of God is preached and taught without compromise. For the most part, the Holy Spirit is not welcome. He is not politically correct. His call to repentance is an offense to the carnal man-pleasing Laodicean pulpits across our nation. How it breaks the Lord's heart! Jesus is standing on the outside of the American church door knocking to come in. How many will hear? Revelation 3:14-22
Excellent! What an excellent contrast between the mega-church "CEO" pastors and God-ordained duty and obligation of a true shepherd. A pastor who cares for, prays for, takes time for and disciples the members of his flock. It takes a small church to be the kind of pastor like this. The quote from Richard Baxter was tremendous. I'm still looking for a non-disp church like this. Thank you Brother Johnson!
Lukewarm Churches Are Led By Lukewarm Pastors The love of so many have grown cold with today's 'man-pleasing seeker friendly message...all about filling their beautiful churches with concern for their souls or even the shipwrecked lives of so many across our nation. Oh Lord, raise up those committed believers who will pray fervently for the churches of this dying land. So many lives are hanging in the balance.
Edifying! Thank you! I needed to hear this message and will listen to it again. I get so much out of your sermons and am so thankful for your ministry!
Search our hearts, Oh God... Thank you, sir, for your 'no nonsense', ' no compromising' message! Truth refreshes our souls! May the Lord raise up more men like you, who fear God rather than man's approval. Lord, give us ears to hear what the Spirit is saying to the church in America today...and the heart to obey you.