Great Bible lesson This was a great Bible lesson.Dr. Jim Not only taught an indepth study of the book of Revelation in this class but to my delight he touched on the subject of what hamartia one of the the Greek words for sin really means. Dr. Jim plunged deep into the Greek and Hebrew languages and straightened out a very common mistake that many Bible expositors make when they come to the translation of this word hamartia. Thank you Dr. Jim for another great class brought from the depths of God's Word.
Most accurate!!!! Bro, Jim, this is without a doubt the most comprehensive and scripturally accurate teaching on the book of revelation I have ever seen. I have read all the so-called great commentaries on it, and ur theology presents zero contradictions with the rest of God's word. None of the others can say that. Thank you, it has been a great help in my teaching.
Great Sermon! Dr. Jim, the teaching in this series is the most sound theology I have ever heard preached. We can't tell you enough how much we appreciate your efforts in Christ. Troy
Great Sermon! Dr. Phillips, I am enjoying your teaching in the bible by ages study so much. Your style and knowledge of the original languages open up the scriptures for us to a much deeper understanding. Please keep it up, our whole church is profiting from your work. Troy
Great Sermon! Mike, I really enjoyed your testimony after all this time. I'm so proud of you and your faith and sincerity. You are a blessing to all. Your willlingness to help has touched my heart. God bless you, Debbie. I like the ?'s at the end too. It's so real and human, so easy to relate in everyday dialog.
Great class reaction This was a super great class to teach. I had a ball teaching it and I go back to it at times just to laugh again at the funny things that happened in this class. Thanks class for all of your interaction and enthusiasm. It is great to teach such students as these people.
Great history Lesson I loved this class. It was a fantastic lesson and it helps to tie together all the misconceptions of church history taught in most schools today. They leave so much real truth about the evolution of what was to become the Catholic church. Thanks Dr. Jim for another great lesson.
Great Teaching on the Tabernacle! Like the Word of God that never changes, Dr. Phillips is changeless in his thorough and fascinating teaching on Bible Subjects. I am enjoying this series in Dr. Phillips' Sunday School at Valley Baptist (C'mon out!). The Word comes alive and there's no dust on this subject! Put on your running shoes and get ready to see the Word unfold for you!
Great Sermon! I have never read or seen anything in print like this before. Dr. Jim did some deep research on this subject and it readily shows in this fantastic Bible lesson.Thanks again Dr. Jim for another fantastic Bible lesson.
Great History Lesson I learned so much from this class. I understand Church History so much better now. Thanks Dr. Jim for your indepth study on this very important subject.
Great Sermon! I just now listened to the 08-01-07 sermon no. 860723020 given by an x-Jehovah's witness, and enjoyed it very much. Thank God this man was able to escape this deceptive net. I always enjoyed having the witnesses come to my door so I could talk to them. Having been armed beforehand with some thought provoking questions for them, I welcomed the opportunity to talk to them. One of my favorite parts of Isaiah speaks directly to their belief that Jesus and God are not one and the same. Isaiah 48:12-17 clearly says otherwise. One of the things I miss about living out of town a little is the fact that I haven't had a witness at my door for a long time. God bless your ministry.
Great Bible lesson What a great Bible lesson on the doctrine of Baptism. It was very interesting to hear the whole story of baptism traced back thousands of years. I now know the different terms in the Greek language for baptism Baptizo, Sprinkling Rhantizo and Pouring Nipto. Thanks Dr. Jim for another great Bible lesson from the original languages.
Great Bible Lesson This set of debates have been a great asset to my teaching ministry and I hope that they will be an asset to you personal Christian walk and help you in your service to God as they have for me over the years. God Bless you as you study His Word.
GREAT TESTIMONY Bro. Mike did a great job in bringing out his innermost difficulties as a former Jehovah witness. These 2 classes have been a great help to others recovering from the Jehovah witness cult. I hope many others yet shall be blessed by Mike's great love for these people and desire to see them saved and added to God's true churches. When a Jehovah witness is truly saved they usually go to work for the Lord in a very zealous manner. Please listen to these 2 classes and begin to pray for those that you love caught up in this powerfull cult. You can reach them with God's help. You do have hope. So study and go to work rescuing the perishing.