Really informative series I liked the genesis set so much, it made me dig into this series and I am very happy I did, I have most of your work, and just by listening in the vehicle when driving, I can now read New Testament Greek, It is like Rosetta Stone, but I get a ton of great doctrine and theology with every word. Thank you and keep it coming
Great Translation Great translation! I have found this to be an invaluable tool in understanding the true events of our earliest age. There is a ton of information in here, I would literally have to own a library just to own the reference works used. Highly recommended!
Fabulous study! This is an incredible study, I am so glad I got them. I am able to use the tapes in conjunction with the interlinear you did and I can actually understand the Hebrew language. The true and deeper meaning of these words really unlock the scriptures in an amazing way. Thank you
Great Bible Classes These classes are really great. When they are over my head is spinning with all the info. but it is really neat to see what the Hebrew Bible really says.
Great Teaching I love these classes. In each one I learn so much that I never even knew was there. Thanks Dr. Jim for all your hard work in getting these classes together.
Great Class! These keep getting better and better, the Hebrew is above my head, if it gets any deeper I'll be lost, but the bible content and word meanings is wonderful. Thank you
A Great Bible Message Wow what a great class Dr. Jim kept the class amazed during the whole class as he gave one scripture after another proving this wonderful Biblical truth. God promised even from the book of Genesis that Israel was to have a king and through that king the Messiah King would be born. Thanks Dr. Jim for a fantastic class. The best ever.
Thank You Dr. Jim, I am appreciative for all your work and classes, but I am especially happy that you decided to put this Hebrew translation of Genesis on tape. So much good knowledge and experience pass with the great scholars like Guthrie and Broadus, I am thankful you are recording this info for us before you take it with you on a dirt nap. Thanks again!!!
Great Bible lesson Wow what a great Bible lesson on the word Amen. Dr. Jim over the years has made comments on the little word, Amen, but I was filled with amazement to see the real meanings of this little often looked over word. Thanks again Dr. Jim for another wonderful class.
Great Bible lesson What another great Bible lesson. I have learned so much from these classes on the book of Genesis from the original Hebrew language. I am learning a little Hebrew to be a little bit extra blessing. I didn't really think I could really learn Hebrew but I wanted to take the class because I knew Dr. Jim would bring out some beautiful Bible truths hidden deep in the original language, but I am actully learning a little Hebrew and I am starting to be able to recognize words in Hebrew writting and listen to Dr. Jim's Hebrew reading tapes and know what is being said by the Hebrew Rabbi. Thanks again Dr. Jim for the hard work and study you have done to bring us this set of Classes.
As good as Church History! Dr. Jim, I am enjoying this series very much. I believe it is as good or better than the series you did on church history, which was wonderful. Thank you for the hard work and study.
Great Bible Class I am learning so much from these classes from the Hebrew Bible. It is amazing what you just look over when you are studying it in English only. Thanks Dr, Jim for another great class.
Great Class Another great class from the original Hebrew Bible. I love the way Dr. Jim brings out the very action of these Hebrew words. Thanks Dr. Jim for another great Bible class from the original languages.