Great Sermon! What a concentration of Systematic theology these Debates are. Everyone should listen to these debates once a year to just keep themselves on the right theological track. No wonder these debates have such high traffic on both websites.
Great Bible lesson This was a great Bible lesson for someone who really wants to learn what the Bible really says. Dr. Jim teaches you how to use the lexicons and bypass all the more common tools like Strongs when you can go right to the original source. Great Class.
Great Sermon! This is a great sermon it touched my heart, and it is the truth anyone can be saved and serve God no matter what your background. Some people are raised in terrible conditions but God loves them too.
Great Sermon! I have read many debates over the past 50+ years but this was probably the greatest debate by both sides of the fence. Dr. Chastain is a champion of the baptist position and I believe that his opposition champions the Church of Christ's side in like fashion. Though I believe that Dr. Chastain's arguments far outweigh the opposition's side this is an outstanding debate. I believe both sides were well satisfied with the results of their champion. Dr. Chastain was 86 years old when he debated but his mental capacity was still as sharp as if he were 50. He had committed to memory over 70% of the whole Bible and could quote it unfailingly. He had given his whole life to the preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This debate is a great example of his teaching and preaching minnistry that he carried to the end of his race on October 3, 2007. May these presious words of wisdom and Bible teaching to bless thousands. Thanks to modern technology, even though he is now dead he still preaches God's Word.
Great Sermon! I wanted to give people the opportunity to hear a realy great theologian preach God's Word. Dr. Farrar was my teacher in advanced Biblical studies at CMBI for at least 8 years. I loved his classes. He dove deep into God's Word to the depths and the heights of Glory. We wanted to share this sermon with you so that you could hear Bro. Farrar preach. He passed from this life about 15+ years ago but he is still preaching in the hearts of mnany of his students. Now when you listen to this message it will fool you. You will think you got it all the 1st time around but then listen to it again. The message IS SIMPLE BUT WITH GREAT DEPTH.
Learned a lot!!! Dr. Jim, this series on Galatians has been great, I am studying it at the same time I am doing your Genesis classes, they are a great compliment to each other, Thanks again
One of My Favorites! This was an excellent class, one of the best you've done in my opinion. Packed with info, wish everyone would listen. Thank you
Great Sermon! This sermon was great. What a lot of information in 30 minutes. It was cram packed with great and spiritual information. Thanks for all the work it took to put this great message together.